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Author: Andrew Kelley

I've been porting stb_truetype.h to Zig on the side. Check out this snippet:

    float sum = 0;
    for (i=0; i < result->w; ++i) {
      float k;
      int m;
      sum += scanline2[i];
      k = scanline[i] + sum;
      k = (float) STBTT_fabs(k)*255 + 0.5f;
      m = (int) k;
      if (m > 255) m = 255;
      result->pixels[j*result->stride + i] = (unsigned char) m;


    var sum: f32 = 0;
    for (scanline, scanline2, result.pixels[j*result.stride..][0..result.w]) |s, s2, *p| {
        sum += s2;
        p.* = @min(@abs(s + sum)*255 + 0.5, 255);

Ahh, much better.

Zig tokenizer updated to use labeled switch statements

Author: Andrew Kelley

Now that Matthew landed labeled switch continue syntax, it's time to start using it.

Eric Petersen swooped in for a first-time contribution, updating Zig's tokenizer to use the new syntax, measuring a 13% wall time performance increase for the zig ast-check command:

perf benchmark screenshot

This line of code tickles me:

state: switch (State.start) {