Zig at FOSDEM 2021: CfP is Open!
December 05, 2020
We’ve taken part to FOSDEM 2021 and we are looking for talk submissions.
FOSDEM is a free conference ordinarily hosted in Europe. This year it will be held on-line for the first time. There is no registration, but attendees are expected to follow FOSDEM’s code of conduct.
Call for Papers
What we’re looking for
We’re interested in all kinds of talks about Zig, of course! If you want to make your talk a bit more in-theme with the conference at large, take a peek at what FOSDEM published from previous years. Also, keep in mind, it’s a conference centered around Open Source software.
How to apply
All submissions must be made through FOSDEM’s pentabarf website. Make sure to select the “Zig Programming Language Devroom” when submitting.
You must also make sure to be able to fullfill all requirements to be able to present, as listed in the next section. Here you can sign up.
Prerequisites & Talk details
- The default duration for each talk is 45 mins including Q&A. You can have a shorter talk to leave more time for the Q&A, but make sure to leave at least 10 mins for it.
- Talks will be pre-recorded in advance and streamed by FOSDEM during the event. This means that you will need to complete and submit your talk by around mid January.
- The conference will run during European day hours. This is important because after the talk airs, you will have to be present for the live Q&A.
- The Zig Devroom will run for half a day on Saturday. We don’t know yet the precise times.
- Submission deadline: Dec 23rd, 2020
- Selected talks announced by Dec 31st, 2020
- Conference dates 6 & 7 February 2021 online
- The Zig Devroom will run on Saturday 6th.
- Talk video submission is mid January.
If you have any question, feel free to contact me via email (loris at ziglang.org), or on Discord. You can find me on both currently existing Zig Discord communities.
For great justice,
Loris Cro