Introducing Carmen the Allocgator
June 10, 2024
Over here at the Zig Software Foundation, we’re following the latest trends. We know what’s important to you all - watching the line go up.
That’s why part of our culture here is making sure the line goes up no matter what, so that all zero of our investors can get outsized return on their nonexistent investments.
So that’s why we have brought you a new mascot to join the party!
She comes to us via community member Xeonracer, who learned how to make SVGs in order to bring her to life.
Introducing Carmen the Allocgator!
She is generously licensed under the Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0), the same as the other mascots.
In summary, go ahead and adapt her to whatever suits your purposes, just don’t pretend that you are the Zig Software Foundation, or that you created the original work of art.
See ya later, allocgator ;-)