0.11.0 Release Notes

Zero the Ziguana

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Zig is a general-purpose programming language and toolchain for maintaining robust, optimal, and reusable software.

Backed by the Zig Software Foundation, the project is financially sustainable. These core team members are paid for their time:

Please consider a recurring donation to the ZSF to help us pay more contributors!

This release features 8 months of work: changes from 269 different contributors, spread among 4457 commits. It is the début of Package Management.

Table of Contents §

Support Table §

Tier System §

A green check mark (✅) indicates the target meets all the requirements for the support tier. The other icons indicate what is preventing the target from reaching the support tier. In other words, the icons are to-do items. If you find any wrong data here please submit a pull request!

Tier 1 Support §

freestanding Linux 3.16+ macOS 11+ Windows 10+ WASI
x86_64 N/A
x86 #1929 🐛 💀 #537 🐛 N/A
aarch64 #2443 🐛 #16665 🐛 N/A
arm #3174 🐛 💀 🐛📦🧪 N/A
mips #3345 🐛📦 N/A N/A N/A
riscv64 #4456 🐛 N/A N/A N/A
sparc64 #4931 🐛📦🧪 N/A N/A N/A
powerpc64 🐛 N/A N/A N/A
powerpc 🐛 N/A N/A N/A
wasm32 N/A N/A N/A

Tier 2 Support §

free standing Linux 3.16+ macOS 11+ Windows 10+ FreeBSD 12.0+ NetBSD 8.0+ Dragon FlyBSD 5.8+ OpenBSD 7.3+ UEFI
x86_64 Tier 1 Tier 1 Tier 1 Tier 1
x86 Tier 1 💀 🔍 🔍 N/A 🔍
aarch64 Tier 1 Tier 1 🔍 🔍 N/A 🔍 🔍
arm Tier 1 💀 🔍 🔍 🔍 N/A 🔍 🔍
mips64 N/A N/A 🔍 🔍 N/A 🔍 N/A
mips Tier 1 N/A N/A 🔍 🔍 N/A 🔍 N/A
powerpc64 Tier 1 💀 N/A 🔍 🔍 N/A 🔍 N/A
powerpc Tier 1 💀 N/A 🔍 🔍 N/A 🔍 N/A
riscv64 Tier 1 N/A N/A 🔍 🔍 N/A 🔍 🔍
sparc64 Tier 1 N/A N/A 🔍 🔍 N/A 🔍 N/A

Tier 3 Support §

freestanding Linux 3.16+ Windows 10+ FreeBSD 12.0+ NetBSD 8.0+ UEFI
x86_64 Tier 1 Tier 1 Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 2 Tier 2
x86 Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 2 Tier 2
aarch64 Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 2
arm Tier 1 Tier 2
mips64 Tier 2 Tier 2 N/A N/A
mips Tier 1 Tier 2 N/A N/A
riscv64 Tier 1 Tier 2 N/A
powerpc32 Tier 2 Tier 2 N/A N/A
powerpc64 Tier 2 Tier 2 N/A N/A
bpf N/A N/A
hexagon N/A N/A
amdgcn N/A N/A
sparc N/A N/A
s390x N/A N/A
lanai N/A N/A
csky N/A N/A
freestanding emscripten
wasm32 Tier 1

Tier 4 Support §

Tier 4 targets:

CPU Architectures §

x86 §

The baseline value used for "i386" was a pentium4 CPU model, which is actually i686. It is also possible to target a more bare bones CPU than pentium4. Therefore it is more correct to use "x86" rather than "i386" for this CPU architecture. This architecture has been renamed in the CLI and Standard Library APIs (#4663).


Removed the always-single-threaded limitation for libc++ (#6573).

Fixed Bootstrapping on this host.

Development builds of Zig are now available on the download page with every successful CI run.

WebAssembly §

Luuk de Gram writes:

Starting from this release, Zig no longer unconditionally passes --allow-undefined to the Linker. By removing this flag, the user will now be faced with an error during the linking stage rather than a panic during runtime for undefined functions. If your project requires such behavior, the flag import-symbols can be used, which will allow undefined symbols during linking.

For this change we also had to update the strategy of exporting all symbols to the host. We no longer unconditionally export all symbols to the host. Previously this would result in unwanted symbols existing in the final binary. By default we now only export the symbol to the linker, meaning they will only be visible to other object files so they can be resolved correctly. If you wish to export a symbol to the host environment, the flag --export=[name] can be used. Alternatively, the flag -rdynamic can be used to export all visible symbols to the host environment. By setting the visibility field to .hidden on std.builtin.ExportOptions a symbol will remain only visible to the linker and not be exported to the host. With this breaking change, the linker will behave the same whether a user is using zig cc or Clang directly.

WasmAllocator §

The Standard Library gained std.heap.wasm_allocator, a WebAssembly-only simple, fast, and small allocator (#13513). It is able to simultaneously achieve all three of these things thanks to the new Memory Allocation API of Zig 0.11.0 which allows shrink to fail.

const std = @import("std");
export fn alloc() ?*i32 {
    return std.heap.wasm_allocator.create(i32) catch null;
export fn free(p: *i32) void {

Compiled with -target wasm32-freestanding -OReleaseSmall, this example produces a 1 KB wasm object file. It is used as the memory allocator when Bootstrapping Zig.

PowerPC §

A couple enhancements to zig cc and compiler-rt.


AVR remains an experimental target, however, in this release cycle, the Compiler implements AVR address spaces, and places functions on AVR in the flash address space.


Robin "Snektron" Voetter writes:

Three new built-in functions are added to aid with writing GPGPU kernels in Zig: @workGroupId, @workItemId, and @workGroupSize. These are respectively used to query the index of the work group of the current thread in a kernel invocation, the size of a work group in threads, and the thread index in the current work group. For now, these are only wired up to work when compiling Zig to AMD GCN machine code via LLVM, that can be used with ROCm. In the future they will be added to the LLVM-based NVPTX and self-hosted SPIR-V backends as well.

For example, the following Zig GPU kernel performs a simple reduction on its inputs:

const block_dim = 256;
var shared: [block_dim]f32 addrspace(.shared) = undefined;

export fn reduce(in: [*]addrspace(.global) f32, out: [*]addrspace(.global) f32) callconv(.Kernel) void {
    const tid = @workItemId(0);
    const bid = @workGroupId(0);
    shared[tid] = in[bid * block_dim + tid];
    comptime var i: usize = 1;
    inline while (i < block_dim) : (i *= 2) {
        if (tid % (i * 2) == 0) shared[tid] += shared[tid + i];
        asm volatile ("s_barrier");
    if (tid == 0) out[bid] = shared[0];

This kernel can be compiled to a HIP module for use with ROCm using Zig and clang-offload-bundler:

$ zig build-obj -target amdgcn-amdhsa-none -mcpu=gfx1100 ./test.zig
$ clang-offload-bundler -type=o -bundle-align=4096 \
    -input=/dev/null -input=./test.o -output=module.co

The resulting module can be loaded directly using hipModuleLoadData and executed using hipModuleLaunchKernel.

Operating Systems §

Windows §

The officially supported minimum version of Windows is now 10, because Microsoft dropped LTS support for 8.1 in January. Patches to Zig supporting for older versions of Windows are still accepted into the codebase, but they are not regularly tested, not part of the Bug Stability Program, and not covered by the Tier System.

Resource Files (.res) §

Zig now recognizes the .res extension and links it as if it were an object file (#6488).

.res files are compiled Windows resource files that get linked into executables/libraries. The linker knows what to do with them, but previously you had to trick Zig into thinking it was an object file (by renaming it to have the .obj extension, for example).

Now, the following works:

zig build-exe main.zig resource.res

or, in build.zig:

Support UNC, Rooted, Drive-Relative, and Namespaced/Device Paths §

Windows: Support UNC, rooted, drive relative, and namespaced/device paths

ARM64 Windows §

In this release, 64-bit ARM (aarch64) Windows becomes a Tier 2 Support target. Zip files are available on the download page and this target is tested with every commit to source control. However, there are known bugs preventing this target from reaching Tier 1 Support.

Linux §

macOS §

Catalina (version 10.15) is unsupported by Apple as of November 30, 2022. Likewise, Zig 0.11.0 drops support for this version.

FreeBSD §

OpenBSD §

NetBSD §


Luuk de Gram writes:

In this release-cycle the Standard Library gained experimental support for WASI-threads. This means it will be possible to create a multi-threaded application when targeting WASI without having to change your codebase. Keep in mind that the feature is still in proposal phase 1 of the WASI specification, so support within the standard library is still experimental and bugs are to be expected. As the feature is still experimental, we still default to single-threaded builds when targeting WebAssembly. To disable this, one can pass -fno-single-threaded in combination with the --shared-memory flags. This also requires the CPU features atomics and bulk-memory to be enabled.

The same flags will also work for freestanding WebAssembly modules, allowing a user to build a multi-threaded WebAssembly module for other runtimes. Be aware that the threads in the standard library are only available for WASI. For freestanding, the user must implement their own such as Web Workers when building a WebAssembly module for the browser.

Give Executable Bit to wasm Executables §

Zig now gives +x to the .wasm file if it is an executable and the OS is WASI. Some systems may be configured to execute such binaries directly. Even if that is not the case, it means we will get "exec format error" when trying to run it rather than "access denied", and then can react to that in the same way as trying to run an ELF file from a foreign CPU architecture.

This is part of the strategy for Foreign Target Execution and Testing.


Plan9 §

Jacob G-W writes:

During this release cycle, the Plan 9 Linker backend has been updated so that it can link most code from the x86 Backend. The Standard Library has also been improved, broadening its support for Plan 9's features:

Documentation §

Language Reference §

Minor changes and upkeep to the language reference. Nothing major with this release.

Autodoc §

Ziggy the Ziguana

This feature is still experimental.

Loris Cro writes:

Thank you to all contributors who helped with Autodoc in this release cycle.

In particular welcome to two new Autodoc contributors:

And renewed thanks to long term Autodoc contributor Krzysztof Wolicki.

New Search System §

When searching, right below the search box, you will now see a new expandable help section that explains how to use the new search system more effectively (#15475). The text is reported here:

Other Improvements §

Language Changes §

Peer Type Resolution Improvements §

The Peer Type Resolution algorithm has been improved to resolve more types and in a more consistent manner. Below are a few examples which did not resolve correctly in 0.10 but do now.

Peer Types Resolved Type
[:s]const T, []T []const T
E!*T, ?*T E!?*T
[*c]T, @TypeOf(null) [*c]T
?u32, u8 ?u32
[2]u32, struct { u32, u32 } [2]u32
*const @TypeOf(.{}), []const u8 []const u8

Multi-Object For Loops §

This release cycle introduces multi-object for loops into the Zig language. This is a new construct providing a way to cleanly iterate over multiple sequences of the same length.

Consider the case of mapping a function over an array. Previously, your code may have looked like this:

const std = @import("std");

test "double integer values in sequence" {
    const input: []const u32 = &.{ 1, 2, 3 };
    const output = try std.testing.allocator.alloc(u32, input.len);
    defer std.testing.allocator.free(output);

    for (input) |x, i| {
        output[i] = x * 2;

    try std.testing.expectEqualSlices(u32, &.{ 2, 4, 6 }, output);

This code has an unfortunate property: in the loop, we had to make the arbitrary choice to iterate over input, using the captured index i to access the corresponding element in output. With multi-object for loops, this code becomes much cleaner:

const std = @import("std");

test "double integer values in sequence" {
    const input: []const u32 = &.{ 1, 2, 3 };
    const output = try std.testing.allocator.alloc(u32, input.len);
    defer std.testing.allocator.free(output);

    for (input, output) |x, *out| {
        out.* = x * 2;

    try std.testing.expectEqualSlices(u32, &.{ 2, 4, 6 }, output);
$ zig test map_func_new.zig
1/1 test.double integer values in sequence... OK
All 1 tests passed.

In this new code, we use the new for loop syntax to iterate over both slices simultaneously, capturing the output element by reference so we can write to it. The index capture is no longer necessary in this case. Note that this is not limited to two operands: arbitrarily many slices can be passed to the loop provided each has a corresponding capture. The language asserts that all passed slices have the same length: if they do not, this is safety-checked Undefined Behavior.

Previously, index captures were implicitly provided if you added a second identifier to the loop's captures. With the new multi-object loops, this has changed. As well as standard expressions, the operand passed to a for loop can also be a range. These take the form a.. or a..b, with the latter form being exclusive on the upper bound. If an upper bound is provided, b - a must match the length of any given slices (or other bounded ranges). If no upper bound is provided, the loop is bounded based on other range or slice operands. All for loops must be bounded (i.e. you cannot iterate over only an unbounded range). The old behavior is equivalent to adding a trailing 0.. operand to the loop.

const std = @import("std");

test "index capture in for loop" {
    const vals: []const u32 = &.{ 10, 11, 12, 13 };

    // We can use an unbounded range, since vals provides a length
    for (vals, 0..) |x, i| {
        try std.testing.expectEqual(i + 10, x);

    // We can also use a bounded range, provided its length matches
    for (vals, 0..4) |x, i| {
        try std.testing.expectEqual(i + 10, x);

    // The lower bound does not need to be 0
    for (vals, 10..) |x, i| {
        try std.testing.expectEqual(i, x);

    // The range does not need to come last
    for (10..14, vals) |i, x| {
        try std.testing.expectEqual(i, x);
    // You can have multiple captures of any kind
    for (10..14, vals, vals, 0..) |i, val, *val_ptr, j| {
        try std.testing.expectEqual(i, j + 10);
        try std.testing.expectEqual(i, val);
        try std.testing.expectEqual(i, val_ptr.*);
$ zig test for_index_capture.zig
1/1 test.index capture in for loop... OK
All 1 tests passed.

The lower and upper bounds of ranges are of type usize, as is the capture, since this feature is primarily intended for iterating over data in memory. Note that it is valid to loop over only a range:

const std = @import("std");

test "for loop over range" {
    var val: usize = 0;
    for (0..20) |i| {
        try std.testing.expectEqual(val, i);
        val += 1;
$ zig test for_range_only.zig
1/1 test.for loop over range... OK
All 1 tests passed.

To automatically migrate old code, zig fmt automatically adds 0.. operands to loops with an index capture and no corresponding operand.

The behavior of pointer captures in for loops has changed slightly. Previously, the following code was valid, but now it emits a compile error:

const std = @import("std");

test "pointer capture from array" {
    var arr: [3]u8 = undefined;
    for (arr) |*x| {
        x.* = 123;
    try std.testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, &arr, &.{ 123, 123, 123 });
$ zig test pointer_capture_from_array.zig
docgen_tmp/pointer_capture_from_array.zig:5:16: error: pointer capture of non pointer type '[3]u8'
    for (arr) |*x| {
docgen_tmp/pointer_capture_from_array.zig:5:10: note: consider using '&' here
    for (arr) |*x| {

This code previously worked because the language implicitly took a reference to arr. This no longer happens: if you use a pointer capture, the corresponding iterable must be a pointer or slice. In this case, the fix - as suggested by the error note - is simply to take a reference to the array.

const std = @import("std");

test "pointer capture from array" {
    var arr: [3]u8 = undefined;
    for (&arr) |*x| {
        x.* = 123;
    try std.testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, &arr, &.{ 123, 123, 123 });
$ zig test pointer_capture_from_array_pointer.zig
1/1 test.pointer capture from array... OK
All 1 tests passed.

@memcpy and @memset §

0.11.0 changes the usage of the builtins @memcpy and @memset to make them more useful.

@memcpy now takes two parameters. The first is the destination, and the second is the source. The builtin copies values from the source address to the destination address. Both parameters may be a slice or many-pointer of any element type; the destination parameter must be mutable in either case. At least one of the parameters must be a slice; if both parameters are a slice, then the two slices must be of equal length.

The source and destination memory must not overlap (overlap is considered safety-checked Undefined Behavior). This is one of the key motivators for using this builtin over the standard library.

const std = @import("std");

test "@memcpy usage" {
    const a: [4]u32 = .{ 1, 2, 3, 4 };

    var b: [4]u32 = undefined;
    @memcpy(&b, &a);
    try std.testing.expectEqualSlices(u32, &a, &b);

    // If the second operand is a many-ptr, the length is taken from the first operand
    var c: [4]u32 = undefined;
    const a_manyptr: [*]const u32 = (&a).ptr;
    @memcpy(&c, a_manyptr);
    try std.testing.expectEqualSlices(u32, &a, &c);
$ zig test memcpy.zig
1/1 test.@memcpy usage... OK
All 1 tests passed.

Since this builtin now encompasses the most common use case of std.mem.copy, that function has been renamed to std.mem.copyForwards. Like copyBackwards, the only use case for that function is when the source and destination slices overlap, meaning elements must be copied in a particular order. When migrating code, it is safe to replace all uses of copy with copyForwards, but potentially more optimal and clearer to instead use @memcpy provided the slices are guaranteed not to overlap.

@memset has also changed signature. It takes two parameters: the first is a mutable slice of any element type, and the second is a value which is coerced to that element type. All values referenced by the destination slice are set the provided value.

const std = @import("std");

test "@memset usage" {
    var a: [4]u32 = undefined;
    @memset(&a, 10);

    try std.testing.expectEqualSlices(u32, &.{ 10, 10, 10, 10 }, &a);
$ zig test memset.zig
1/1 test.@memset usage... OK
All 1 tests passed.

This builtin now precisely encompasses the former use cases of std.mem.set. Therefore, this standard library function has been removed in favor of the builtin.

@min and @max §

The builtins @min and @max have undergone two key changes. The first is that they now take arbitrarily many arguments, finding the minimum/maximum value across all arguments: for instance, @min(2, 1, 3) == 1. The second change relates to the type returned by these operations. Previously, Peer Type Resolution was used to unify the operand types. However, this sometimes led to redundant uses of @intCast: for instance @min(some_u16, 255) can always fit in a u8. To avoid this, when these operations are performed on integers (or vectors thereof), the compiler will now notice comptime-known bounds of the result (based on either comptime-known operands or on differing operand types) and refine the result type as tightly as possible.

const std = @import("std");
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const expectEqual = std.testing.expectEqual;

test "@min/@max takes arbitrarily many arguments" {
    try expectEqual(11, @min(19, 11, 35, 18));
    try expectEqual(35, @max(19, 11, 35, 18));

test "@min/@max refines result type" {
    const x: u8 = 20; // comptime-known
    var y: u64 = 12345;
    // Since an exact bound is comptime-known, the result must fit in a u5
    comptime assert(@TypeOf(@min(x, y)) == u5);

    var x_rt: u8 = x; // runtime-known
    // Since one argument to @min is a u8, the result must fit in a u8
    comptime assert(@TypeOf(@min(x_rt, y)) == u8);
$ zig test min_max.zig
1/2 test.@min/@max takes arbitrarily many arguments... OK
2/2 test.@min/@max refines result type... OK
All 2 tests passed.

This is a breaking change, as any usage of these values without an explicit type annotation may now result in overflow: for instance, @min(my_u32, 255) + 1 used to be always valid but may now overflow. This is solved with explicit type annotations, either with @as or using an intermediate const.

Since these changes have been applied to the builtin functions, several standard library functions are now redundant. Therefore, the following functions have been deprecated:

For more information on these changes, see the proposal and the PR implementing it.

@trap §

New builtin:

@trap() noreturn

This function inserts a platform-specific trap/jam instruction which can be used to exit the program abnormally. This may be implemented by explicitly emitting an invalid instruction which may cause an illegal instruction exception of some sort. Unlike @breakpoint, execution does not continue afterwards:

test "@trap is noreturn" {
    return error.Foo; // Control flow will never reach this line!
$ zig test trap_noreturn.zig
docgen_tmp/trap_noreturn.zig:3:5: error: unreachable code
    return error.Foo; // Control flow will never reach this line!
docgen_tmp/trap_noreturn.zig:2:5: note: control flow is diverted here

@inComptime §

A new builtin, @inComptime(), has been introduced. This builtin returns a bool indicating whether or not it was evaluated in a comptime scope.

const std = @import("std");
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const expectEqual = std.testing.expectEqual;

const global_val = blk: {
    break :blk 123;

comptime {

fn f() u32 {
    if (@inComptime()) {
        return 1;
    } else {
        return 2;

test "@inComptime" {
    try expectEqual(true, comptime @inComptime());
    try expectEqual(false, @inComptime());
    try expectEqual(@as(u32, 1), comptime f());
    try expectEqual(@as(u32, 2), f());
$ zig test in_comptime.zig
1/1 test.@inComptime... OK
All 1 tests passed.

Split @qualCast into @constCast and @volatileCast §

const std = @import("std");
const expect = std.testing.expect;

test "qualCast" {
    const x: i32 = 1234;
    const y = @qualCast(&x);
    try expect(@TypeOf(y) == *i32);
    try expect(y.* == 1234);
$ zig test qualcast.zig
docgen_tmp/qualcast.zig:6:15: error: invalid builtin function: '@qualCast'
    const y = @qualCast(&x);

Use @constCast instead to fix the error.

Rename Casting Builtins §

An accepted proposal has been implemented to rename all casting builtins of the form @xToY to @yFromX. The goal of this change is to make code more readable by ensuring information flows in a consistent direction (right-to-left) through function-call-like expressions.

The full list of affected builtins is as follows:

old name new name
@boolToInt @intFromBool
@enumToInt @intFromEnum
@errorToInt @intFromError
@floatToInt @intFromFloat
@intToEnum @enumFromInt
@intToError @errorFromInt
@intToFloat @floatFromInt
@intToPtr @ptrFromInt
@ptrToInt @intFromPtr

zig fmt will automatically update usages of the old builtin names in your code.

Cast Inference §

Zig 0.11.0 implements an accepted proposal which changes how "casting" builtins (e.g. @intCast, @enumFromInt) behave. The goal of this change is to improve readability and safety.

In previous versions of Zig, casting builtins took as a parameter the destination type of the cast, for instance @intCast(u8, x). This was easy to understand, but can lead to code duplication where a type must be repeated at the usage site despite already being specified as, for instance, a parameter type or field type.

As a motivating example, consider a function parameter of type u16 which you are passing a u64. You need to use @intCast to convert your value to the correct type. Now suppose that down the line, you find out the parameter needs to be a u32 so you can pass in larger values. There is now a footgun here: if you don't change every @intCast to cast to the correct type, you have a silent bug in your program which may not cause a problem for a while, making it hard to spot.

This is the basic pattern motivating this change. The idea is that instead of writing f(@intCast(u16, x)), you instead write f(@intCast(x)), and the destination type of the cast is inferred based on the type. This is not just about function parameters: it is also applicable to struct initializations, return values, and more.

This language change removes the destination type parameter from all cast builtins. Instead, these builtins now use Result Location Semantics to infer the result type of the cast from the expression's "result type". In essence, this means type inference is used. Most expressions which have a known concrete type for their operand will provide a result type. For instance:

The full list of affected cast builtins is as follows:

Using these builtins in an expression with no result type will give a compile error:

test "cast without result type" {
    const x: u16 = 200;
    const y = @intCast(x);
    _ = y;
$ zig test no_cast_result_type.zig
docgen_tmp/no_cast_result_type.zig:3:15: error: @intCast must have a known result type
    const y = @intCast(x);
docgen_tmp/no_cast_result_type.zig:3:15: note: use @as to provide explicit result type

This error indicates one possible method of providing an explicit result type: using @as. This will always work, however it is usually not necessary. Instead, result types are normally inferred from type annotations, struct/array initialization expressions, parameter types, and so on.

test "infer cast result type from type annotation" {
    const x: u16 = 200;
    const y: u8 = @intCast(x);
    _ = y;

test "infer cast result type from field type" {
    const S = struct { x: f32 };
    const val: f64 = 123.456;
    const s: S = .{ .x = @floatCast(val) };
    _ = s;

test "infer cast result type from parameter type" {
    const val: u64 = 123;
fn f(x: u32) void {
    _ = x;

test "infer cast result type from return type" {
    _ = g(123);
fn g(x: u64) u32 {
    return @intCast(x);

test "explicitly annotate result type with @as" {
    const E = enum(u8) { a, b };
    const x: u8 = 1;
    _ = @as(E, @enumFromInt(x));
$ zig test cast_result_type_inference.zig
1/5 test.infer cast result type from type annotation... OK
2/5 test.infer cast result type from field type... OK
3/5 test.infer cast result type from parameter type... OK
4/5 test.infer cast result type from return type... OK
5/5 test.explicitly annotate result type with @as... OK
All 5 tests passed.

Where possible, zig fmt has been made to automatically migrate uses of the old builtins, using a naive translation based on @as. Most builtins can be automatically updated correctly, but there are a few exceptions.

Pointer Casts §

The builtins @addrSpaceCast and @alignCast would become quite cumbersome to use under this system as described, since you would now have to specify the full intermediate pointer types. Instead, pointer casts (those two builtins and @ptrCast) are special. They combine into a single logical operation, with each builtin effectively "allowing" a particular component of the pointer to be cast rather than "performing" it. (Indeed, this may be a helpful mental model for the new cast builtins more generally.) This means any sequence of nested pointer cast builtins requires only one result type, rather than one at every intermediate computation.

test "pointer casts" {
    const ptr1: *align(1) const u32 = @ptrFromInt(0x1000);
    const ptr2: *u64 = @constCast(@alignCast(@ptrCast(ptr1)));
    _ = ptr2;
$ zig test pointer_cast.zig
1/1 test.pointer casts... OK
All 1 tests passed.

@splat §

The @splat builtin has undergone a similar change. It no longer has a parameter to indicate the length of the resulting vector, instead using the expression's result type to infer this and the type of its operand.

test "@splat result type" {
    const vec: @Vector(8, u8) = @splat(123);
    _ = vec;
$ zig test splat_result_type.zig
1/1 test.@splat result type... OK
All 1 tests passed.

Tuple Type Declarations §

Tuple types can now be declared using struct declaration syntax without the field types (#4335):

const std = @import("std");
const expect = std.testing.expect;
const expectEqualStrings = std.testing.expectEqualStrings;

test "tuple declarations" {
    const T = struct { u32, []const u8 };
    var t: T = .{ 1, "foo" };
    try expect(t[0] == 1);
    try expectEqualStrings(t[1], "foo");

    var mul = t ** 3;
    try expect(@TypeOf(mul) != T);
    try expect(mul.len == 6);
    try expect(mul[2] == 1);
    try expectEqualStrings(mul[3], "foo");

    var t2: T = .{ 2, "bar" };
    var cat = t ++ t2;
    try expect(@TypeOf(cat) != T);
    try expect(cat.len == 4);
    try expect(cat[2] == 2);
    try expectEqualStrings(cat[3], "bar");
$ zig test tuple_decl.zig
1/1 test.tuple declarations... OK
All 1 tests passed.

Packed and extern tuples are forbidden (#16551).

Concatenation of Arrays and Tuples §

const std = @import("std");

test "concatenate array with tuple" {
    const array: [2]u8 = .{ 1, 2 };
    const seq = array ++ .{ 3, 4 };
    try std.testing.expect(std.mem.eql(u8, &seq, &.{ 1, 2, 3, 4 }));
$ zig test tuple_array_cat.zig
1/1 test.concatenate array with tuple... OK
All 1 tests passed.

This can be a nice tool when writing Crypto code, and indeed is used extensively by the Standard Library to avoid heap Memory Allocation in the new TLS Client.

Allow Indexing Tuple and Vector Pointers §

Zig allows you to directly index pointers to arrays like plain arrays, which transparently dereferences the pointer as required. For consistency, this is now additionally allowed for pointers to tuples and vectors (the other non-pointer indexable types).

const std = @import("std");

test "index tuple pointer" {
    var raw: struct { u32, u32 } = .{ 1, 2 };
    const ptr = &raw;

    try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 1), ptr[0]);
    try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 2), ptr[1]);

    ptr[0] = 3;
    ptr[1] = 4;

    try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 3), ptr[0]);
    try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 4), ptr[1]);

test "index vector pointer" {
    var raw: @Vector(2, u32) = .{ 1, 2 };
    const ptr = &raw;

    try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 1), ptr[0]);
    try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 2), ptr[1]);

    ptr[0] = 3;
    ptr[1] = 4;

    try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 3), ptr[0]);
    try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 4), ptr[1]);
$ zig test index_tuple_vec_ptr.zig
1/2 test.index tuple pointer... OK
2/2 test.index vector pointer... OK
All 2 tests passed.

Overflow Builtins Return Tuples §

Now that we have started to get into writing our own Code Generation and not relying exclusively on LLVM, the flaw with the previous API becomes clear: writing the result through a pointer parameter makes it too hard to use a special value returned from the builtin and detect the pattern that allows lowering to the efficient code.

Furthermore, the result pointer is incompatible with SIMD vectors (related: Cast Inference).

Arithmetic overflow functions now return a tuple, like this:

@addWithOverflow(a: T, b: T) struct {T, u1}
@addWithOverflow(a: @Vector(T, N), b: @Vector(T, N)) struct {@Vector(T, N), @Vector(u1, N)}

If #498 were implemented, parseInt would look like this:

fn parseInt(comptime T: type, buf: []const u8, radix: u8) !T {
    var x: T = 0;

    for (buf) |c| {
        const digit = switch (c) {
            '0'...'9' => c - '0',
            'A'...'Z' => c - 'A' + 10,
            'a'...'z' => c - 'a' + 10,
            else => return error.InvalidCharacter,
        x, const mul_overflow = @mulWithOverflow(x, radix);
        if (mul_overflow != 0) return error.Overflow;

        x, const add_overflow = @addWithOverflow(x, digit);
        if (add_overflow != 0) return error.Overflow;

    return x;

However #498 is neither implemented nor accepted yet, so actual usage must do this:

const std = @import("std");

fn parseInt(comptime T: type, buf: []const u8, radix: u8) !T {
    var x: T = 0;

    for (buf) |c| {
        const digit = switch (c) {
            '0'...'9' => c - '0',
            'A'...'Z' => c - 'A' + 10,
            'a'...'z' => c - 'a' + 10,
            else => return error.InvalidCharacter,
        const mul_result = @mulWithOverflow(x, radix);
        x = mul_result[0];
        const mul_overflow = mul_result[1];
        if (mul_overflow != 0) return error.Overflow;

        const add_result = @addWithOverflow(x, digit);
        x = add_result[0];
        const add_overflow = add_result[1];
        if (add_overflow != 0) return error.Overflow;

    return x;

More details: #10248

Slicing By Length §

This is technically not a change to the language, however, it bears mentioning in the language changes section, because it makes a particular idiom be even more idiomatic, by recognizing the pattern directly in the Compiler.

This pattern is extremely common:

fn foo(s: []const i32, start: usize, len: usize) []const i32 {
    return s[start..][0..len];

The pattern is useful because it is effectively a slice-by-length rather than slice by end index. With this pattern, when len is compile-time known, the expression will be a pointer to an array rather than a slice type, which is generally a preferable type.

The actual language change here is that this is now supported for many-ptrs. Where previously you had to write (ptr + off)[0..len], you can now instead write ptr[off..][0..len]. Note that in general, unbounded slicing of many-pointers is still not permitted, requiring pointer arithmetic: only this "slicing by length" pattern is allowed.

Zig 0.11.0 now detects this pattern and generates more efficient code.

You can think of Zig as having both slice-by-end and slice-by-len syntax, it's just that one of them is expressed in terms of the other.

More details: #15482

Inline Function Call Comptime Propagation §

const std = @import("std");

var call_count: u32 = 0;

inline fn isGreaterThan(x: i32, y: i32) bool {
    call_count += 1;
    return x > y;

test "inline call comptime propagation" {
    // Runtime-known parameters to inline function, nothing new here.
    var a: i32 = 1234;
    var b: i32 = 5678;
    try std.testing.expect(!isGreaterThan(a, b));

    // Now it gets interesting...
    const c = 1234;
    const d = 5678;
    if (isGreaterThan(c, d)) {
        @compileError("that wasn't supposed to happen");

    try std.testing.expect(call_count == 2);
$ zig test inline_call.zig
1/1 test.inline call comptime propagation... OK
All 1 tests passed.

In this example, there is no compile error because the comptime-ness of the arguments is propagated to the return value of the inlined function. However, as demonstrated by the call_count global variable, runtime side-effects of the inlined function still occur.

The inline keyword in Zig is an extremely powerful tool that should not be used lightly. It's best to let the compiler decide when to inline a function, except for these scenarios:

Exporting C Variadic Functions §

Generally we don't want Zig programmers to use C-style variadic functions. But sometimes you have to interface with C code.

Here are two use cases for it:

Only some targets support this new feature:

That makes this feature experimental because it does not disqualify a target from Tier 1 Support if it does not support C-style var args.

More information: #515

Added c_char Type §

This is strictly for C ABI Compatibility and should only be used when it is required by the ABI.

See #875 for more details.

Forbid Runtime Operations in comptime Blocks §

Previously, comptime blocks in runtime code worked in a highly unintuitive way: they did not actually enforce compile-time evaluation of their bodies. This has been resolved in 0.11.0. The entire body of a comptime block will now be evaluated at compile time, and a compile error is triggered if this is not possible.

test "runtime operations in comptime block" {
    var x: u32 = 1;
    comptime {
        x += 1;
$ zig test comptime_block.zig
docgen_tmp/comptime_block.zig:4:11: error: unable to evaluate comptime expression
        x += 1;
docgen_tmp/comptime_block.zig:4:9: note: operation is runtime due to this operand
        x += 1;

This change has one particularly notable consequence. Previously, it was allowed to return from a runtime function within a comptime block. However, this is illogical: the return cannot actually happen at comptime, since this function is being called at runtime. Therefore, this is now illegal.

const expectEqual = @import("std").testing.expectEqual;
test "return from runtime function in comptime block" {
    try expectEqual(@as(u32, 123), f());

fn f() u32 {
    // We want to call `foo` at comptime
    comptime {
        return foo();
fn foo() u32 {
    return 123;
$ zig test return_from_comptime_block.zig
docgen_tmp/return_from_comptime_block.zig:9:9: error: function called at runtime cannot return value at comptime
        return foo();
referenced by:
    test.return from runtime function in comptime block: docgen_tmp/return_from_comptime_block.zig:3:36
    remaining reference traces hidden; use '-freference-trace' to see all reference traces

The workaround for this issue is to compute the return value at comptime, but return it at runtime:

const expectEqual = @import("std").testing.expectEqual;
test "compute return value of runtime function in comptime block" {
    try expectEqual(@as(u32, 123), f());

fn f() u32 {
    // We want to call `foo` at comptime
    return comptime foo();
fn foo() u32 {
    return 123;
$ zig test compute_return_from_comptime_block.zig
1/1 test.compute return value of runtime function in comptime block... OK
All 1 tests passed.

This change similarly disallows comptime try from within a runtime function, since on error this attempts to return a value at compile time. To retain the old behavior, this sequence should be replaced with try comptime.

@intFromBool always returns u1 §

The @intFromBool builtin (previously called @boolToInt) previously returned either a u1 or a comptime_int, depending on whether or not it was evaluated at comptime. It has since been changed to always return a u1 to improve consistency between code running at runtime and comptime.

const std = @import("std");

test "@intFromBool returns u1" {
    const x = @intFromBool(true); // implicitly evaluated at comptime
    const y = comptime @intFromBool(true); // explicitly evaluated at comptime

    try std.testing.expect(@TypeOf(x) == u1);
    try std.testing.expect(@TypeOf(y) == u1);

    try std.testing.expect(x == 1);
    try std.testing.expect(y == 1);
$ zig test int_from_bool.zig
1/1 test.@intFromBool returns u1... OK
All 1 tests passed.

@fieldParentPtr Supports Unions §

It already worked on structs; there was no reason for it to not work on unions (#6611).

const std = @import("std");
const expect = std.testing.expect;

test "@fieldParentPtr on a union" {
    try quux(&bar.c);
    try comptime quux(&bar.c);

const bar = Bar{ .c = 42 };

const Bar = union(enum) {
    a: bool,
    b: f32,
    c: i32,
    d: i32,

fn quux(c: *const i32) !void {
    try expect(c == &bar.c);

    const base = @fieldParentPtr(Bar, "c", c);
    try expect(base == &bar);
    try expect(&base.c == c);
$ zig test field_parent_ptr_union.zig
1/1 test.@fieldParentPtr on a union... OK
All 1 tests passed.

Calling @fieldParentPtr on a pointer that is not actually a field of the parent type is currently unchecked illegal behavior, however there is an accepted proposal to add a safety check: add safety checks for pointer casting

@typeInfo No Longer Returns Private Declarations §

It was a bug that private declarations were included in the result of @typeInfo (#10731).

The is_pub field has been removed from std.builtin.Type.Declaration.

Zero-Sized Fields Allowed in Extern Structs §

Zero-sized fields are now allowed in extern struct types, because they do not compromise the well-defined memory layout (#16404).

const builtin = @import("builtin");
const std = @import("std");
const expect = std.testing.expect;

const T = extern struct {
    blah: i32,
    ice_cream: if (builtin.is_test) void else i32,

test "no ice cream" {
    var t: T = .{
        .blah = 1234,
        .ice_cream = {},
    try expect(t.blah == 1234);
$ zig test ice_cream.zig
1/1 test.no ice cream... OK
All 1 tests passed.

This change allows the following types to appear in extern structs:

Note that packed structs are already allowed in extern structs, provided that their backing integer is allowed.

Eliminate Bound Functions §

Did you know Zig had bound functions?

No? I rest my case. Good riddance!

The following code was valid in 0.10, but is not any more:

const std = @import("std");

test "bound functions" {
    var runtime_true = true;

    // This code was valid in 0.10, and gave 'x' a "bound function" type.
    // Bound functions have been removed from the language, so this code is no longer valid.
    const obj: Foo = .{};
    const x = if (runtime_true) obj.a else obj.b;

    try std.testing.expect(x() == 'a');

const Foo = struct {
    fn a(_: Foo) u8 {
        return 'a';
    fn b(_: Foo) u8 {
        return 'b';
$ zig test bound_functions.zig
docgen_tmp/bound_functions.zig:9:37: error: no field named 'a' in struct 'bound_functions.Foo'
    const x = if (runtime_true) obj.a else obj.b;
docgen_tmp/bound_functions.zig:14:13: note: struct declared here
const Foo = struct {

Method calls are now restricted to the exact syntactic form a.b(args). Any deviation from this syntax - for instance, extra parentheses as in (a.b)(args) - will be treated as a field access.

@call Stack §

The stack option has been removed from @call (#13907).

There is no upgrade path for this one, I'm afraid. This feature has proven difficult to implement in the LLVM Backend.

More investigation will be needed to see if something that solves the use case of switching call stacks can be brought back to the language before Zig reaches 1.0.

Allow Tautological Integer Comparisons §

Previously, comparing an integer to a comptime-known value required that value to fit in the integer type. For instance, comparing a u8 to 500 was a compile error. However, such comparisons can be useful when writing generic or future-proof code.

As such, comparisons of this form are now allowed. However, since these comparisons are tautological, they do not cause any runtime checks: instead, the result is comptime-known based on the type. For instance, my_u8 == 500 is comptime-known false, even if my_u8 is not itself comptime-known.

test "tautological comparisons are comptime-known" {
    var x: u8 = 123;
    if (x > 500) @compileError("unreachable branch analyzed");
    if (x == -20) @compileError("unreachable branch analyzed");
    if (x < 0) @compileError("unreachable branch analyzed");
    if (x != 500) {} else @compileError("unreachable branch analyzed");
$ zig test tautological_compare_comptime.zig
1/1 test.tautological comparisons are comptime-known... OK
All 1 tests passed.

Forbid Source Files Being Part of Multiple Modules §

A Zig module (previously known as "package") is a collection of source files, with a single root source file, which can be imported in your code by name. For instance, std is a module. An interesting case comes up when two modules attempt to @import the same source file.

Previously, when this happened, the source file became "owned" by whichever import the compiler happened to reach first. This was a problem, because it could lead to inconsistent behavior in the compiler based on a race condition. This could be fixed by having the compiler analyzing the files multiple times - once for each module they're imported from - however, this could lead to slowdowns in compile times, and generally this kind of structure is indicative of a mistake anyway.

Therefore, another solution was chosen: having a single source file within multiple modules is now illegal. When a source file is encountered in two different modules, an error like the following will be emitted:

$ ls
foo.zig  main.zig  common.zig

$ cat common.zig
// An empty file

$ cat foo.zig
// This is the root of the 'foo' module
pub const common = @import("common.zig");

$ cat main.zig
// This file is the root of the main module
comptime {
    _ = @import("foo").common;
    _ = @import("common.zig");

$ zig test main.zig --mod foo::foo.zig --deps foo
common.zig:1:1: error: file exists in multiple modules
main.zig:4:17: note: imported from module root
    _ = @import("common.zig");
foo.zig:2:28: note: imported from module root.foo
pub const common = @import("common.zig");

The correct way to resolve this error is usually to factor the shared file out into its own module, which other modules can then import. This can be done in the Build System using std.Build.addModule.

Single-Item Array Pointers Gain .ptr Field §

In general, it is intended for single-item array pointers to act equivalently to a slice. That is, *const [5]u8 is essentially equivalent to []const u8 but with a comptime-known length.

Previously, the ptr field on slices was an exception to this rule, as it did not exist on single-item array pointers. This field has been added, and is equivalent to simple coercion from *[N]T to [*]T.

const std = @import("std");

test "array pointer has ptr field" {
    const x: *const [4] u32 = &.{ 1, 2, 3, 4 };
    const y: []const u32 = &.{ 1, 2, 3, 4 };

    const xp: [*]const u32 = x.ptr;
    const yp: [*]const u32 = y.ptr;

    try std.testing.expectEqual(xp, @as([*]const u32, x));

    for (0..4) |i| {
        try std.testing.expectEqual(x[i], xp[i]);
        try std.testing.expectEqual(y[i], yp[i]);
$ zig test array_pointer_ptr_field.zig
1/1 test.array pointer has ptr field... OK
All 1 tests passed.

Allow Method Call Syntax on Optional Pointers §

Method call syntax object.method(args) only works when the first parameter of method has a specific type: previously, this was either the type containing the method, or a pointer to it. It is now additionally allowed for this type to be an optional pointer. The value the method call is performed on must still be a non-optional pointer, but it is coerced to an optional pointer for the method call.

const std = @import("std");

const Foo = struct {
    x: u32,

    fn xOrDefault(self: ?*const Foo) u32 {
        const foo = self orelse return 0;
        return foo.x;

test "method call with optional pointer parameter" {
    const a: Foo = .{ .x = 7 };
    const b: Foo = .{ .x = 9 };

    try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 0), Foo.xOrDefault(null));
    try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 7), a.xOrDefault());
    try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(u32, 9), b.xOrDefault());
$ zig test method_syntax_opt_ptr.zig
1/1 test.method call with optional pointer parameter... OK
All 1 tests passed.

comptime Function Calls No Longer Cause Runtime Analysis §

There has been an open issue for several years about the fact that Zig will emit all referenced functions to a binary, even if the function is only used at compile-time. This can cause binary bloat, as well as potentially triggering false positive compile errors if a function is intended to only be used at compile-time.

This issue has been resolved in this release cycle. Zig will now only emit a runtime version of a function to the binary if one of the following conditions holds:

As well as avoiding potential false positive compile errors, this change leads to a slight decrease in binary sizes, and may slightly speed up compilation in some cases. Note that as a consequence of this change, it is no longer sufficient to write comptime { _ = f; } to force a function to be analyzed and emitted to the binary. Instead, you must write comptime { _ = &f; }.

Multi-Item Switch Prong Type Coercion §

Prior to 0.11.0, when a switch prong captured a union payload, all payloads were required to have the exact same type. This has been changed so that Peer Type Resolution is used to combine the payload types, allowing distinct but compatible types to be captured together.

Pointer captures also make use of peer type resolution, but are more limited: the payload types must all have the same in-memory representation so that the payload pointer can be safely cast.

const std = @import("std");
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const expectEqual = std.testing.expectEqual;

const U1 = union(enum) {
    x: u8,
    y: ?u32,
test "switch capture resolves peer types" {
    try f(1, .{ .x = 1 });
    try f(2, .{ .y = 2 });
    try f(0, .{ .y = null });
fn f(expected: u32, u: U1) !void {
    switch (u) {
        .x, .y => |val| {
            comptime assert(@TypeOf(val) == ?u32);
            try expectEqual(expected, val orelse 0);

const U2 = union(enum) {
    x: c_uint,
    /// This type has the same number of bits as `c_uint`, but is distinct.
    y: @Type(.{ .Int = .{
        .signedness = .unsigned,
        .bits = @bitSizeOf(c_uint),
    } }),
test "switch pointer capture resolves peer types" {
    var a: U2 = .{ .x = 10 };
    var b: U2 = .{ .y = 20 };
    try expectEqual(U2{ .x = 11 }, a);
    try expectEqual(U2{ .y = 21 }, b);
fn g(u: *U2) void {
    switch (u.*) {
        .x, .y => |*ptr| {
            ptr.* += 1;
$ zig test switch_capture_ptr.zig
1/2 test.switch capture resolves peer types... OK
2/2 test.switch pointer capture resolves peer types... OK
All 2 tests passed.

Allow Functions to Return null and undefined §

0.10 had some arbitrary restrictions on the types of function parameters and their return types: they were not permitted to be @TypeOf(null) or @TypeOf(undefined). While these types are rarely useful in this context, they are still completely normal comptime-only types, so this restriction on their usage was needless. As such, they are now allowed as parameter and return types.

const std = @import("std");

fn foo(comptime x: @TypeOf(undefined)) @TypeOf(null) {
    _ = x;
    return null;

test "null and undefined as function parameter and return types" {
    const my_null = foo(undefined);
    try std.testing.expect(my_null == null);
$ zig test null_undef_param_ret_ty.zig
1/1 test.null and undefined as function parameter and return types... OK
All 1 tests passed.

Generic Function Calls §

Sometimes the language design drives the Compiler development, but sometimes it's the other way around, as we discover through trial and error what fundamental simplicity looks like.

In this case, generic functions and inferred error sets have been reworked for a few reasons:

Things are mostly the same, except there may be two kinds of breakages caused by it. Firstly, type declarations are evaluated for every generic function call:

const std = @import("std");
const expect = std.testing.expect;

test "generic call demo" {
    const a = foo(i32, 1234);
    const b = foo(i32, 5678);
    try expect(@TypeOf(a) == @TypeOf(b));

fn foo(comptime T: type, init: T) struct { x: T } {
    return .{ .x = init };
$ zig test generic_call_demo.zig
1/1 test.generic call demo... FAIL (TestUnexpectedResult)
/home/andy/Downloads/zig/lib/std/testing.zig:515:14: 0x22423f in expect (test)
    if (!ok) return error.TestUnexpectedResult;
/home/andy/tmp/docgen_tmp/generic_call_demo.zig:7:5: 0x224375 in test.generic call demo (test)
    try expect(@TypeOf(a) == @TypeOf(b));
0 passed; 0 skipped; 1 failed.
error: the following test command failed with exit code 1:

With Zig 0.10.x, this test passed. With 0.11.0, it fails. Which behavior Zig will have at 1.0 is yet to be determined. In the meantime, it is best not to rely on type equality in this case.

Suggested workaround is to make a function that returns the type:

const std = @import("std");
const expect = std.testing.expect;

test "generic call demo" {
    const a = foo(i32, 1234);
    const b = foo(i32, 5678);
    try expect(@TypeOf(a) == @TypeOf(b));

fn foo(comptime T: type, init: T) Make(T) {
    return .{ .x = init };

fn Make(comptime T: type) type {
    return struct { x: T };
$ zig test generic_call_workaround.zig
1/1 test.generic call demo... OK
All 1 tests passed.

The second fallout from this change is mutually recursive functions with inferred error sets:

const std = @import("std");

test "generic call demo" {
    try foo(49);

fn foo(x: i32) !void {
    if (x == 1000) return error.BadNumber;
    return bar(x - 1);

fn bar(x: i32) !void {
    if (x > 100000) return error.TooBig;
    if (x == 0) return;
    return foo(x - 1);
$ zig test inferred_mutual_recursion.zig
docgen_tmp/inferred_mutual_recursion.zig:12:1: error: unable to resolve inferred error set
fn bar(x: i32) !void {
referenced by:
    foo: docgen_tmp/inferred_mutual_recursion.zig:9:12
    bar: docgen_tmp/inferred_mutual_recursion.zig:15:12
    remaining reference traces hidden; use '-freference-trace' to see all reference traces

Suggested workaround is to introduce an explicit error set:

const std = @import("std");

test "mutual recursion inferred error set demo" {
    try foo(49);

const Error = error{ BadNumber, TooBig };

fn foo(x: i32) Error!void {
    if (x == 1000) return error.BadNumber;
    return bar(x - 1);

fn bar(x: i32) Error!void {
    if (x > 100000) return error.TooBig;
    if (x == 0) return;
    return foo(x - 1);
$ zig test error_set_workaround.zig
1/1 test.mutual recursion inferred error set demo... OK
All 1 tests passed.

More information: #16318

Naked Functions §

Some things that used to be allowed in callconv(.Naked) functions are now compile errors:

Runtime calls are disallowed because it is not possible to know the current stack alignment in order to follow the proper ABI to automatically compile a call. Explicit returns are disallowed because on some targets, it is not mandated for the return address to be stored in a consistent place.

The most common kind of upgrade that needs to be performed is:

pub export fn _start() callconv(.Naked) noreturn {
    asm volatile (
        \\ push %rbp
        \\ jmp %[start:P]
        : [start] "X" (&start),
fn start() void {}
$ zig build-exe example.zig
example.zig:8:5: error: runtime safety check not allowed in naked function
example.zig:8:5: note: use @setRuntimeSafety to disable runtime safety
example.zig:8:5: note: the end of a naked function is implicitly unreachable

As the note indicates, an explicit unreachable is not needed at the end of a naked function anymore. Since explicit returns are no longer allowed, it will just be assumed to be unreachable. Therefore, all that needs to be done is to delete the unreachable statement, which works even when the return type of the function is not unreachable.

In general, naked functions should only contain comptime logic and asm volatile statements, which allows any required target-specific runtime calls and returns to be constructed.

@embedFile Supports Module-Mapped Names §

The @embedFile builtin, as well as literal file paths, now supports module-mapped names, like @import.

// This embeds the contents of the root file of the module 'foo'.
const data = @embedFile("foo");

Standard Library §

The Zig standard library is still unstable and mainly serves as a testbed for the language. After there are no more planned Language Changes, it will be time to start working on stabilizing the standard library. Until then, experimentation and breakage without warning is allowed.

Compile-Time Configuration Consolidated §

collect all options under one namespace

Memory Allocation §

Allow Shrink To Fail §

The Allocator interface now allows implementations to refuse to shrink (#13666). This makes ArrayList more efficient because it avoids copying allocated but unused bytes by attempting a resize in place, and falling back to allocating a new buffer and doing its own copy. With a realloc() call, the allocator implementation would pointlessly copy the extra capacity:

const old_memory = self.allocatedSlice();
if (allocator.resize(old_memory, new_capacity)) {
    self.capacity = new_capacity;
} else {
    const new_memory = try allocator.alignedAlloc(T, alignment, new_capacity);
    @memcpy(new_memory[0..self.items.len], self.items);
    self.items.ptr = new_memory.ptr;
    self.capacity = new_memory.len;

It also enabled implementing WasmAllocator which was not possible with the previous interface requirements.

Strings §

Restrict mem.span and mem.len to Sentinel-Terminated Pointers §

Isaac Freund writes:

These functions were footgunny when working with pointers to arrays and slices. They just returned the stated length of the array/slice without iterating and looking for the first sentinel, even if the array/slice is a sentinel-terminated type.

From looking at the quite small list of places in the Standard Library and Compiler that this change breaks existing code, the new code looks to be more readable in all cases.

The usage of std.mem.span/len was totally unneeded in most of the cases affected by this breaking change.

We could remove these functions entirely in favor of other existing functions in std.mem such as std.mem.sliceTo(), but that would be a somewhat nasty breaking change as std.mem.span() is very widely used for converting sentinel terminated pointers to slices. It is however not at all widely used for anything else.

Therefore I think it is better to break these few non-standard and potentially incorrect usages of these functions now and at some later time, if deemed worthwhile, finally remove these functions.

If we wait for at least a full release cycle so that everyone adapts to this change first, updating for the removal could be a simple find and replace without needing to worry about the semantics.

Math §

File System §

Data Structures §

Sorting §

Sorting is now split into two categories: stable and unstable. Generally, it's best to use unstable if you can, but stable is a more conservative choice. Zig's stable sort remains a blocksort implementation, while unstable sort is a new pdqsort implementation. heapsort is also available in the standard library (#15412).

Now, debug builds have assertions to ensure that the comparator function (lessThan) does not return conflicting results (#16183).

std.sort.binarySearch: relax requirements to support both homogeneous and heterogeneous keys (#12727).

Compression §

Crypto §

Frank Denis writes:

New Features §

Breaking Changes §

Keccak §

The Keccak permutation was only used internally for sha3. It was completely revamped and has now its dedicated public interface in crypto.core.keccak.

keccak.KeccakF is the permutation itself, which now supports sizes between 200 and 1600 bits, as well as a configurable number of rounds. And keccak.State offers an API for standard sponge-based constructions.

Taking advantage of this, the SHAKE extendable output function (XOF) has been added, and can be found in std.crypto.hash.sha3.Shake128 and std.crypto.hash.sha3.Sha256. SHAKE is based on SHA-3, NIST-approved, and the output of can be of any length, which has many applications and is something we were missing in the standard library.

The more recent TurboSHAKE variant is also available, as crypto.hash.sha3.TurboShake128 and crypto.hash.sha3.TurboShake256. TurboSHAKE benefits from the extensive analysis of SHA-3, its output can also be of any length, and it has good performance across all platforms. In fact, on CPUs without SHA-256 acceleration, and when using WebAssembly, TurboSHAKE is the fastest function we have in the standard library. If you need a modern, portable, secure, overall fast hash function / XOF, that is not vulnerable to length-extension attacks (unlike SHA-256), TurboSHAKE should be your go-to choice.

Kyber §

Kyber is a post-quantum public key encryption and key exchange mechanism. It was selected by NIST for the first post-quantum cryptography standard.

It is available in the standard library, in the std.crypto.kem namespace, making Zig the first language with post-quantum cryptography available right in the standard library.

Kyber512, Kyber768 and Kyber1024, as specified in the current draft, are supported.

The TLS Client also supports the hybrid X25519Kyber768 post-quantum key agreement mechanism by default.

Thanks a lot to Bas Westerbaan for contributing this!

Constant-Time, Allocation-Free Field Arithmetic §

Cryptography frequently requires computations over arbitrary finite fields.

This is why a new namespace made its appearance: std.crypto.ff.

Functions from this namespace never require dynamic allocations, are designed to run in constant time, and transparently perform conversions from/to the Montgomery domain.

This allowed us to implement RSA verification without using any allocators.

Configurable Side Channels Mitigations §

Side channels in cryptographic code can be exploited to leak secrets.

And mitigations are useful but also come with a performance hit.

For some applications, performance is critical, and side channels may not be part of the threat model. For other applications, hardware-based attacks is a concern, and mitigations should go beyond constant-time code.

Zig 0.11 introduces the std_options.side_channels_mitigations global setting to accomodate the different use cases.

It can have 4 different values:

The more mitigations are enabled, the bigger the performance hit will be. But this lets applications choose what's best for their use case.

medium is the default.

Hello Ascon; Farewell to Gimli and Xoodoo §

Gimli and Xoodoo have been removed from the standard library, in favor of Ascon.

These are great permutations, and there's nothing wrong with them from a practical security perspective.

However, both were competing in the NIST lightweight crypto competition.

Gimli didn't pass the 3rd selection round, and was not used much in the wild besides Zig and libhydrogen. It will never be standardized and is unlikely to get more traction in the future.

The Xoodyak mode, that Xoodoo is the permutation of, brought some really nice ideas. There are discussions to standardize a Xoodyak-like mode, but without Xoodoo.

So, the Zig implementations of these permutations are better maintained outside the standard library.

For lightweight crypto, Ascon is the one that we know NIST will standardize and that we can safely rely on from a usage perspective.

So, Ascon was added instead (in crypto.core.Ascon). We support the 128 and 128a variants, both with Little-Endian or Big-Endian encoding.

Note that we currently only ship the permutation itself, as the actual constructions are very likely to change a lot during the ongoing standardization process.

The default CSPRNG (std.rand.DefaultCsprng) used to be based on Xoodoo. It was replaced by a traditional ChaCha-based random number generator, that also improves performance on most platforms.

For constrained environments, std.rand.Ascon is also available as an alternative. As the name suggest, it's based on Ascon, and has very low memory requirements.

std.crypto Bug Fixes §

Performance Improvements §

Concurrency §

Networking §

For a few releases, there was a std.x namespace which was a playground for some contributors to experiment with networking. In Zig 0.11, networking is no longer experimental; it is part of the Package Management strategy. However, networking is still immature and buggy, so use it at your own risk.

TLS Client §

Zig 0.11.0 now provides a client implementation of Transport Layer Security v1.3

Thanks to Zig's excellent Crypto, the implementation came out lovely. Search for ++ if you want to see a nice demonstration of Concatenation of Arrays and Tuples. This is also a nice showcase of inline switch cases.

As lovely as it may be, there is not yet a TLS server implementation and so this code has not been fuzz-tested. In fact there is not yet any automated testing for this API, so use it at your own risk.

I want to recognize Shigueredo whose TLSv1.3 implementation I took inspiration from. For sponsoring us and for allowing us to copy their RSA implementation until Frank Denis implemented Constant-Time, Allocation-Free Field Arithmetic, 本当にありがとうございました!

The TLS client is a dependency of the HTTP Client which is a dependency of Package Management.

Open follow-up issues:

HTTP Client §

There is now an HTTP client (#15123). It is used by the Compiler to fetch URLs as part of Package Management.

It supports some basic features such as:

It is still very immature and not yet tested in a robust manner. Please use it at your own risk.

For more information, please refer to this article written by the maintainer of std.http: Coming Soon to a Zig Near You: HTTP Client

Ignore SIGPIPE by Default §

Start code now tells the kernel to ignore SIGPIPE before calling main (#11982). This can be disabled by adding this to the root module:

pub const keep_sigpipe = true;

Adjust this for Compile-Time Configuration Consolidated.

`SIGPIPE` is triggered when a process attempts to write to a broken pipe. By default, SIGPIPE will terminate the process without giving the program an opportunity to handle the situation. Unlike a segfault, it doesn't trigger the panic handler so all the developer sees is that the program terminated with no indication as to why.

By telling the kernel to instead ignore SIGPIPE, writes to broken pipes will return the EPIPE error (error.BrokenPipe) and the program can handle them like any other error.

Testing §

Debugging §

Stack Unwinding §

Casey Banner writes:

When something goes wrong in your program, at the very least you expect it to output a stack trace. In many cases, upon seeing the stack trace, the error is obvious and can be fixed without needing to attach a debugger. If you are a project maintainer, having correct stack trace output is a necessity for your users to be able to provide actionable bug reports when something goes wrong.

In order to print a stack trace, the panic (or segfault) handler needs to unwind the stack, by traversing back through the stack frames starting at the crash site. Up until now, this was done strictly by utilizing the frame pointer. This method of stack unwinding works assuming that a frame pointer is available, which isn't the case if the code is compiled without one - ie. if -fomit-frame-pointerwas used.

It can be beneficial for performance reasons to not use a frame pointer, since this frees up an additional register, so some software maintainers may choose to ship libraries compiled without it. One of the motivating reasons for this change was solving a bug where unwinding a stack trace that started in Ubuntu's libc wasn't working - and indeed it is compiled with -fomit-frame-pointer.

Since #15823 was merged, the Standard Library stack unwinder (std.debug.StackIterator) now supports unwinding stacks using both DWARF unwind tables, and MachO compact unwind information. These unwind tables encode how to unwind all the register state and recover the return address for any location in the program.

In order to save space, DWARF unwind tables aren't program-sized lookup tables, but instead sets of opcodes which run on a virtual machine inside the unwinder to build the lookup table dynamically. Additionally, these tables can define register values in terms of DWARF expressions, which is a separate stack-machine based bytecode. This is all supported in the new unwinder.

As an example of how this improves stack trace output, consider the following zig program and C library (which will be built with -fomit-frame-pointer):

const std = @import("std");

extern fn add_mult(x: i32, y: i32, n: ?*i32) i32;

pub fn main() !void {
    std.debug.print("add: {}\n", .{ add_mult(5, 3, null) });
#include <stdio.h>

#ifndef LIB_API
#define LIB_API

int add_mult3(int x, int y, int* n) {
    puts((const char*)0x1234);
    return (x + y) * (*n);

int add_mult2(int x, int y, int* n) {
    return add_mult3(x, y, n);

int add_mult1(int x, int y, int* n) {
    return add_mult2(x, y, n);

LIB_API int add_mult(int x, int y, int* n) {
    return add_mult1(x, y, n);

Before the stack unwinding changes, the user would see the following output:

Segmentation fault at address 0x1234
???:?:?: 0x7f71d9ec997d in ??? (???)
/home/user/kit/zig/build-stage3-release-linux/lib/zig/std/start.zig:608:37: 0x20a505 in main (main)
            const result = root.main() catch |err| {

With the new unwinder:

Segmentation fault at address 0x1234
../sysdeps/x86_64/multiarch/strlen-avx2.S:74:0: 0x7fefd03b297d in ??? (../sysdeps/x86_64/multiarch/strlen-avx2.S)
./libio/ioputs.c:35:16: 0x7fefd0295ee7 in _IO_puts (ioputs.c)
src/lib.c:8:5: 0x7fefd04484aa in add_mult3 (/home/user/temp/stack/src/lib.c)
    puts((const char*)0x1234);
src/lib.c:13:12: 0x7fefd0448542 in add_mult2 (/home/user/temp/stack/src/lib.c)
    return add_mult3(x, y, n);
src/lib.c:17:12: 0x7fefd0448572 in add_mult1 (/home/user/temp/stack/src/lib.c)
    return add_mult2(x, y, n);
src/lib.c:21:12: 0x7fefd04485a2 in add_mult (/home/user/temp/stack/src/lib.c)
    return add_mult1(x, y, n);
/home/user/temp/stack/src/main.zig:6:45: 0x2123b7 in main (main)
    std.debug.print("add: {}\n", .{ add_mult(5, 3, null) });
/home/user/kit/zig/build-stage3-release-linux/lib/zig/std/start.zig:608:37: 0x2129b4 in main (main)
            const result = root.main() catch |err| {
../sysdeps/nptl/libc_start_call_main.h:58:16: 0x7fefd023ed8f in __libc_start_call_main (../sysdeps/x86/libc-start.c)
../csu/libc-start.c:392:3: 0x7fefd023ee3f in __libc_start_main_impl (../sysdeps/x86/libc-start.c)
???:?:?: 0x212374 in ??? (???)
???:?:?: 0x0 in ??? (???)

The unwind information for libc (which comes from a separate file, see below) was loaded and used to unwind the stack correctly, resulting in a much more useful stack trace.

If there is no unwind information available for a given frame, the unwinder will fall back to frame pointer unwinding for the rest of the stack trace. For example, if the above program is built for x86-linux-gnu on the same system (which only has x86_64 libc debug information installed), it results in the following output:

Segmentation fault at address 0x1234
???:?:?: 0xf7dc9555 in ??? (libc.so.6)
Unwind information for `libc.so.6:0xf7dc9555` was not available (error.MissingDebugInfo), trace may be incomplete

???:?:?: 0x0 in ??? (???)

The user is notified that unwind information is missing, and they could choose to install it to enhance the stack trace output.

This system works for both panic traces as well as segfaults. In the case of a segfault, the OS will pass a context (containing the state of all the registers at the time of the segfault) to the handler, which will be used by the unwinder. In the case of a panic, the unwinder still needs a register context, so one is captured by the panic handler. If the program is linking libc, then libc's getcontext is used, otherwise an implementation in std is used if available. On platforms where getcontext isn't available, the stack unwinder falls back to frame pointer based unwinding.

Implementations of getcontext have been added for x86_64-linux and x86-linux.

External Debug Info §

The ELF format allows for splitting debug information sections into separate files. If the user of the software does not typically need to debug it, then debug info can be shipped an as optional dependency to reduce the size of the installation. A primary use case for this feature is libc debug information, which can be quite large. Some distributions have a separate package that contains only the debug info for their libc, which can be installed separately.

These extra files are simply additional ELF files that contain only the debug info sections. As an additional space-saving measure, these sections can also be compressed. For example, in the libc stack traces above the debug information came from /usr/lib/debug/.build-id/69/389d485a9793dbe873f0ea2c93e02efaa9aa3d.debug, not libc.so.6.

Support for reading external debug information has been added, with this set of changes:

Formatted Printing §


Josh Wolfe writes:

New std.json features:

Here is an upgrade guide:

These instructions include the breaking changes from #15602, #15705, #15981, and #16405.

parse replaced by parseFromSlice or other parseFrom* §

For code that used to look like this:

var stream = json.TokenStream.init(slice);
const options = json.ParseOptions{ .allocator = allocator };
const result = try json.parse(T, &stream, options);
defer json.parseFree(T, result, options);

Now do this:

const parsed = try json.parseFromSlice(T, allocator, slice, .{});
defer parsed.deinit();
const result = parsed.value;
parseFree replaced by Parsed(T).deinit() §

See above. Alternatively, use the parseFrom*Leaky variants and manage your own arena.

Parser.parse replaced by parseFromSlice into Value §

For code that used to look like this:

var parser = json.Parser.init(allocator, false);
defer parser.deinit();
var tree = try parser.parse(slice);
defer tree.deinit();
const root = tree.root;

Now do this:

const parsed = try json.parseFromSlice(json.Value, allocator, slice, .{});
defer parsed.deinit();
const root = parsed.value;
ValueTree replaced by Parsed(Value) §

The result of json.parseFrom*(T, ...) (except for json.parseFrom*Leaky(T, ...)) is json.Parsed(T), which replaces the old ValueTree.

writeStream API simplification §

The default max depth for writeStream is now 256. To specify a deeper max depth, use writeStreamMaxDepth.

You don't need to call arrayElem() anymore.

All the emit*() methods (emitNumber, emitString, emitBool, emitNull, emitJson) replaced by the generic write() method, which takes anytype. The generic json.stringify functionality for structs, unions, etc. is also available in WriteStream.write() (the implementation of stringify now uses WriteStream.write.).

Custom jsonStringify signature changed §

Instead of pub fn jsonStringify(self: *@This(), options: json.StringifyOptions, out_stream: anytype) !void, use pub fn jsonStringify(self: *@This(), jw: anytype) !void, where jw is a mutable pointer to a WriteStream. Instead of writing bytes to the out_stream, you should call write() and beginObject and such on the WriteStream.

stringify limits nesting to 256 by default §

The depth of {/[ nesting in the output of json.stringify is now 256. Now that the implementation of stringify uses a WriteStream, we have safety checks for matching endArray to beginArray and such, which requires memory: 1 bit per nesting level. To disable syntax checks and save that memory, use stringifyMaxDepth(..., null). To make syntax checks available to custom pub fn jsonStringify implementations to arbitrary nesting depth, use stringifyArbitraryDepth and provide an allocator.

StringifyOptions overhauled §

The default whitespace in all contexts is now .minified. This is changed from the old WriteStream having effectively .indent_1, and the old StringifyOptions{ .whitespace = .{} } having effectively .indent_4.

TokenStream replaced by Scanner §

For code that used to look like this:

var stream = json.TokenStream.init(slice);
while (try stream.next()) |token| {

Now do this:

var tokenizer = json.Scanner.initCompleteInput(allocator, slice);
defer tokenizer.deinit();
while (true) {
    const token = try tokenizer.next();
    if (token == .end_of_document) break;

See json.Token for more info.

StreamingParser replaced by Reader §

For code that used to look like this:

const slice = try reader.readAllAlloc(allocator, max_size);
defer allocator.free(slice);
var tokenizer = json.StreamingParser.init();
for (slice) |c| {
    var token1: ?json.Token = undefined;
    var token2: ?json.Token = undefined;
    try tokenizer.feed(c, &token1, &token2);
    if (token1) |t| {
        if (token2) |t2| handleToken(t2);

Now do this:

var stream = json.reader(allocator, reader);
defer stream.deinit();
while (true) {
    const token = try stream.next();
    if (token == .end_of_document) break;

See json.Token for more info.

parse/stringify for union types §

Parsing and stringifying union(enum) types works differently now by default. For const T = union(enum) { s: []const u8, i: i32};, the old behavior used to accept documents in the form "abc" or 123 to parse into .{.s="abc"} or .{.i=123} respectively; the new behavior accepts documents in the form {"s":"abc"} or {"i":123} instead. Stringifying is updated as well to maintain the bijection.

The dynamic value json.Value can be used for simple int-or-string cases. For more complex cases, you can implement jsonParse, jsonParseFromValue, and jsonStringify as needed.

An allocator is always required for parsing now §

Sorry for the inconvenience. There are some ideas to restore support for allocatorless json parsing, but for now, you always must use an allocator. At a minimum it is used for tracking the {} vs [] nesting depth, and possibly other uses depending on what std.json API is being called.

If you use a std.FixedBufferAllocator, you can make parsing json work at comptime.

posix_spawn Considered Harmful §

posix_spawn is trash. It's actually implemented on top of fork/exec inside of libc (or libSystem in the case of macOS).

So, anything posix_spawn can do, we can do better. In particular, what we can do better is handle spawning of child processes that are potentially foreign binaries. If you try to spawn a wasm binary, for example, posix spawn does the following:

This behavior is indistinguishable from the binary being successfully spawned, and then printing to stderr, and exiting with a failure - something that is an extremely common occurrence.

Meanwhile, using the lower level fork/exec will simply return ENOEXEC code from the execve syscall (which is mapped to zig error.InvalidExe).

The posix_spawn behavior means the zig build runner can't tell the difference between a failure to run a foreign binary, and a binary that did run, but failed in some other fashion. This is unacceptable, because attempting to execve is the proper way to support things like Rosetta.

Therefore, use of posix_spawn is eliminated from the standard library, in order to facilitate Foreign Target Execution and Testing.

Build System §

With this release, the Zig Build System is no longer experimental. It is the début of Package Management.

Terminology Changes §

The introduction of Package Management required some terminology in the Zig Build System to be changed.

Previously, a directory of Zig source files with one root source file which could be imported by name was known as a package. It is now instead called a module.

This frees up the term package to be used in the context of package management. A package is a directory of files, uniquely identified by a hash of all files, which can export any number of compilation artifacts and modules.

Rename Types and Functions §

A large amount of types and functions in the build system have been renamed in this release cycle.

Target and Optimization §

The target and optimization level for std.Build.Step.Compile is no longer set separately using setter methods (previously setTarget and setBuildMode). Instead, they are provided at the time of step creation, for instance to std.Build.addExecutable.

Package Management §

Zig 0.11 is the début of the official package manager. The package manager is still in its early stages, but is mature enough to use in many cases. There is no "official" package repository: packages are simply arbitrary directory trees which can be local directories or archives from the Internet.

Package information is declared in a file named build.zig.zon. ZON (Zig Object Notation) is a simple data interchange format introduced in this release cycle, which uses Zig's anonymous struct and array initialization syntax to declare objects in a manner similar to other formats such as JSON. The build.zig.zon file for a package should look like this:

    .name = "my_package_name",
    .version = "0.1.0",
    .dependencies = .{
        .dep_name = .{
            .url = "https://link.to/dependency.tar.gz",
            .hash = "12200f41f9804eb9abff259c5d0d84f27caa0a25e0f72451a0243a806c8f94fdc433",

The information provided is the package name and version, and a list of dependencies, each of which has a name, a URL to an archive, and a hash. The hash is not of the archive itself, but of its contents. In order to find it, it can be omitted from the file, and zig build will emit an error containing the expected hash. There will be tooling in future to make this file easier to modify.

So far, tar.gz and tar.xz formats are supported, with more planned, as well as a plan for custom fetch plugins.

This information is provided in a separate file (rather than declared in the build.zig script) to speed up the package manager by allowing package fetching to happen without the need to build and run the build script. This also allows tooling to observe dependency graphs without having to execute potentially dangerous code.

Every dependency can expose a collection of binary artifacts and Zig modules from itself. The std.Build.addModule function creates a new Zig module which is publicly exposed from your package; i.e. one which dependant packages can use. (To create a private module, instead use std.Build.createModule.) Regarding binary artifacts, any artifact which is installed (for instance, via std.Build.installArtifact) is exposed to dependant packages.

In the build script, dependencies can be referenced using the std.Build.dependency function. This takes the name of a dependency (as given in build.zig.zon) and returns a *std.Build.Dependency. You can then use the artifact and module methods on this object to get binary artifacts and Zig modules exposed by the dependency.

If you wish to vendor a dependency rather than fetch it from the Internet, you can use the std.Build.anonymousDependency function, which takes as arguments a path to the package's build root, and an @import of its build script.

Both dependency and anonymousDependency take a parameter args. This is an anonymous struct containing arbitrary arguments to pass to the build script, which it can access as if they were passed to the script through -D flags (through std.Build.option. Options from the current package are not implicitly provided to dependencies, and must be explicitly forwarded where required.

It is standard for packages to use std.Build.standardOptimizeOption and std.Build.standardTargetOptions when they need an optimization level and/or target from their dependant. This allows the dependant to simply forward these values with the names optimize and target.

const std = @import("std");

pub fn build(b: *std.Build) void {
    const target = b.standardTargetOptions(.{});
    const optimize = b.standardOptimizeOption(.{});

    const my_remote_dep = b.dependency("my_remote_dep", .{
        // These are the arguments to the dependency. It expects a target and optimization level.
        .target = target,
        .optimize = optimize,
    const my_local_dep = b.anonymousDependency("deps/bar/", @import("deps/bar/build.zig"), .{
        // This dependency also expects those options, as well as a boolean indicating whether to
        // build against another library.
        .target = target,
        .optimize = optimize,
        .use_libfoo = false,

    const exe = try b.addExecutable(.{
        .name = "my_binary",
        .root_source_file = .{ .path = "src/main.zig" },
        .target = target,
        .optimize = optimize,
    // my_remote_dep exposes a Zig module we wish to depend on.

    // my_local_dep exposes a static library we wish to link to.


Explicitly passing the target and optimization level like this allows a build script to build some binaries for different targets or at different optimization levels, which can, for instance, be useful when interfacing with WebAssembly .

Every package uses a separate instance of std.Build, managed by the build system. It is important to perform operations on the correct instance. This will always be the one passed as a parameter to the build function in your build script.

The package manager is in its early stages, and will likely undergo significant changes before 1.0. Some planned features include optional dependencies, better support for binary dependencies, the ability to construct a LazyPath from an arbitrary file from a dependency, improved tooling, and more. However, the package manager is in a state where it is usable for some projects, particularly simple pure-Zig projects.

Install and Run Executables §

The build system supports adding steps to install and run compiled executables. This was previously done using the install and run methods on std.Build.Step.Compile. However, this leads to ambiguities about the owner package in the presence of package management. Therefore, these operations must now be done with these functions:

Example use case unlocked by this change: depending on nasm and using it to produce object files

Compiler Protocol §

Previously, when the build system invoked the Zig compiler, it simply forwarded stderr to the terminal, so the user could see any errors. This solution limits the possibility of integration between the build system and the compiler. Therefore, the build system now communicates information to the compiler using a binary protocol.

This protocol will likely not be used by end users, but it is enabled using the --listen argument to the compiler, and communicates over TCP (with default port 14735) or stdio. The types in std.zig.Server are used by the protocol, and a usage example can be found in std.Build.Step.evalZigProcess.

The usage of this compiler protocol does mean there can be a small time delay between something like a compilation error occurring and it being reported by zig build, however it has the advantage of allowing the build system to receive much more detailed information about the build, allowing for functionality like the Build Summary.

Build Summary §

zig build will now print a summary of all build steps after completing. This summary includes information on which steps succeeded, which failed, and why. The --summary option controls what information is printed:

--summary [mode]              Control the printing of the build summary
    all                         Print the build summary in its entirety
    failures                    (Default) Only print failed steps
    none                        Do not print the build summary

Please note that the output from this option is currently not color-blind friendly. This will be improved in the future.

Here is example output from running zig build test-behavior -fqemu -fwasmtime --summary all in zig's codebase:

Build Summary: 67/80 steps succeeded; 13 skipped; 36653/39320 tests passed; 2667 skipped
test-behavior success
├─ run test behavior-native-Debug cached
│  └─ zig test Debug native cached 21s MaxRSS:52M
├─ run test behavior-native-Debug-libc cached
│  └─ zig test Debug native cached 21s MaxRSS:52M
├─ run test behavior-native-Debug-single cached
│  └─ zig test Debug native cached 20s MaxRSS:52M
├─ run test behavior-native-Debug-libc-cbe 1666 passed 113 skipped 16ms MaxRSS:20M
│  └─ zig build-exe behavior-native-Debug-libc-cbe Debug native success 16s MaxRSS:731M
│     └─ zig test Debug native success 21s MaxRSS:134M
├─ run test behavior-x86_64-linux-none-Debug-selfhosted 1488 passed 291 skipped 29ms MaxRSS:17M
│  └─ zig test Debug x86_64-linux-none success 1s MaxRSS:115M
├─ run test behavior-wasm32-wasi-Debug-selfhosted 1441 passed 342 skipped 639ms MaxRSS:51M
│  └─ zig test Debug wasm32-wasi success 718ms MaxRSS:115M
├─ run test behavior-x86_64-macos-none-Debug-selfhosted skipped
│  └─ zig test Debug x86_64-macos-none success 21s MaxRSS:121M
├─ run test behavior-x86_64-windows-gnu-Debug-selfhosted skipped
│  └─ zig test Debug x86_64-windows-gnu success 2s MaxRSS:114M
├─ run test behavior-wasm32-wasi-Debug 1674 passed 109 skipped 2s MaxRSS:83M
│  └─ zig test Debug wasm32-wasi cached 20ms MaxRSS:51M
├─ run test behavior-wasm32-wasi-Debug-libc 1674 passed 109 skipped 1s MaxRSS:93M
│  └─ zig test Debug wasm32-wasi cached 8ms MaxRSS:51M
├─ run test behavior-x86_64-linux-none-Debug cached
│  └─ zig test Debug x86_64-linux-none cached 24ms MaxRSS:52M
├─ run test behavior-x86_64-linux-gnu-Debug-libc skipped
│  └─ zig test Debug x86_64-linux-gnu success 13s MaxRSS:440M
├─ run test behavior-x86_64-linux-musl-Debug-libc 1698 passed 91 skipped 353ms MaxRSS:17M
│  └─ zig test Debug x86_64-linux-musl success 13s MaxRSS:439M
├─ run test behavior-x86-linux-none-Debug 1693 passed 96 skipped 20ms MaxRSS:20M
│  └─ zig test Debug x86-linux-none success 21s MaxRSS:436M
├─ run test behavior-x86-linux-musl-Debug-libc 1693 passed 96 skipped 26ms MaxRSS:19M
│  └─ zig test Debug x86-linux-musl success 20s MaxRSS:454M
├─ run test behavior-x86-linux-gnu-Debug-libc skipped
│  └─ zig test Debug x86-linux-gnu success 21s MaxRSS:462M
├─ run test behavior-aarch64-linux-none-Debug 1687 passed 102 skipped 2s MaxRSS:31M
│  └─ zig test Debug aarch64-linux-none success 16s MaxRSS:449M
├─ run test behavior-aarch64-linux-musl-Debug-libc 1687 passed 102 skipped 1s MaxRSS:34M
│  └─ zig test Debug aarch64-linux-musl success 17s MaxRSS:457M
├─ run test behavior-aarch64-linux-gnu-Debug-libc skipped
│  └─ zig test Debug aarch64-linux-gnu success 14s MaxRSS:457M
├─ run test behavior-aarch64-windows-gnu-Debug-libc skipped
│  └─ zig test Debug aarch64-windows-gnu success 14s MaxRSS:402M
├─ run test behavior-arm-linux-none-Debug 1686 passed 103 skipped 737ms MaxRSS:29M
│  └─ zig test Debug arm-linux-none cached 12ms MaxRSS:51M
├─ run test behavior-arm-linux-musleabihf-Debug-libc 1686 passed 103 skipped 768ms MaxRSS:31M
│  └─ zig test Debug arm-linux-musleabihf cached 12ms MaxRSS:52M
├─ run test behavior-mips-linux-none-Debug 1686 passed 103 skipped 447ms MaxRSS:36M
│  └─ zig test Debug mips-linux-none success 25s MaxRSS:454M
├─ run test behavior-mips-linux-musl-Debug-libc 1686 passed 103 skipped 417ms MaxRSS:39M
│  └─ zig test Debug mips-linux-musl success 28s MaxRSS:471M
├─ run test behavior-mipsel-linux-none-Debug 1688 passed 101 skipped 406ms MaxRSS:34M
│  └─ zig test Debug mipsel-linux-none success 23s MaxRSS:454M
├─ run test behavior-mipsel-linux-musl-Debug-libc 1688 passed 101 skipped 751ms MaxRSS:37M
│  └─ zig test Debug mipsel-linux-musl cached 14ms MaxRSS:53M
├─ run test behavior-powerpc-linux-none-Debug 1687 passed 102 skipped 849ms MaxRSS:31M
│  └─ zig test Debug powerpc-linux-none cached 13ms MaxRSS:51M
├─ run test behavior-powerpc-linux-musl-Debug-libc 1687 passed 102 skipped 782ms MaxRSS:32M
│  └─ zig test Debug powerpc-linux-musl cached 8ms MaxRSS:51M
├─ run test behavior-powerpc64le-linux-none-Debug 1690 passed 99 skipped 758ms MaxRSS:31M
│  └─ zig test Debug powerpc64le-linux-none cached 12ms MaxRSS:51M
├─ run test behavior-powerpc64le-linux-musl-Debug-libc 1690 passed 99 skipped 542ms MaxRSS:31M
│  └─ zig test Debug powerpc64le-linux-musl cached 9ms MaxRSS:51M
├─ run test behavior-powerpc64le-linux-gnu-Debug-libc skipped
│  └─ zig test Debug powerpc64le-linux-gnu cached 11ms MaxRSS:51M
├─ run test behavior-riscv64-linux-none-Debug 1689 passed 100 skipped 669ms MaxRSS:28M
│  └─ zig test Debug riscv64-linux-none cached 7ms MaxRSS:49M
├─ run test behavior-riscv64-linux-musl-Debug-libc 1689 passed 100 skipped 711ms MaxRSS:30M
│  └─ zig test Debug riscv64-linux-musl cached 7ms MaxRSS:51M
├─ run test behavior-x86_64-macos-none-Debug skipped
│  └─ zig test Debug x86_64-macos-none cached 20s MaxRSS:51M
├─ run test behavior-aarch64-macos-none-Debug skipped
│  └─ zig test Debug aarch64-macos-none cached 7ms MaxRSS:49M
├─ run test behavior-x86-windows-msvc-Debug skipped
│  └─ zig test Debug x86-windows-msvc cached 7ms MaxRSS:50M
├─ run test behavior-x86_64-windows-msvc-Debug skipped
│  └─ zig test Debug x86_64-windows-msvc cached 21s MaxRSS:51M
├─ run test behavior-x86-windows-gnu-Debug-libc skipped
│  └─ zig test Debug x86-windows-gnu cached 7ms MaxRSS:50M
└─ run test behavior-x86_64-windows-gnu-Debug-libc skipped
   └─ zig test Debug x86_64-windows-gnu cached 7ms MaxRSS:52M

Custom Build Runners §

Zig build scripts are, by default, run by build_runner.zig, a program distributed with Zig. In some cases, such as for custom tooling which wishes to observe the step graph, it may be useful to override the build runner to a different Zig file. This is now possible using the option --build-runner path/to/runner.zig.

Share the Compiler's Cache System §

Moved the cache system from compiler to std lib and start using it in the build system

Steps Run In Parallel §

The Zig build system is now capable of running multiple build steps in parallel. The build runner analyzes the build step graph, and runs steps in a thread pool, with a default thread count corresponding to the number of CPU cores available for optimal CPU utilization. The number of threads used can be changed with the -j option.

This change can allow projects with many build steps to build significantly faster.

Embrace LazyPath for Inputs and Outputs §

The build system contains a type called LazyPath (formerly FileSource) which allows depending on a file or directory which originates from one of many sources: an absolute path, a path relative to the build runner's working directory, or a build artifact. The build system now makes extensive use of LazyPath anywhere we reference an arbitrary path.

This makes the build system more versatile by making it easier to use generated files in a variety of contexts, since a LazyPath may be created to reference the result of any step emitting a file, such as a std.Build.Step.Compile or std.Build.Step.Run.

The most notable change here is that Step.Compile no longer has an output_dir field. Rather than depending on the location a binary is emitted to, the LazyPath abstraction must be used, for instance through getEmittedBin (formerly getOutputSource). There are also methods to get the paths corresponding to other compilation artifacts:

Getting these files will cause the build system to automatically set the appropriate compiler flags to generate them. As such, the old emit_X fields have been removed.

Step.InstallDir now uses a LazyPath for its source_dir field, allowing installing a generated directory without a known path. As a general rule, hardcoded paths outside of the installation directory should be avoided where possible.

System Resource Awareness §

You can monitor and limit the peak memory usage for a given step which helps the build system avoid scheduling too many intensive tasks simultaneously, and also helps you detect when a process is starting to exceed reasonable resource usage.

Foreign Target Execution and Testing §

The build system has these switches to enable cross-target testing:

-fdarling,  -fno-darling     Integration with system-installed Darling to
                               execute macOS programs on Linux hosts
                               (default: no)
  -fqemu,     -fno-qemu        Integration with system-installed QEMU to execute
                               foreign-architecture programs on Linux hosts
                               (default: no)
  --glibc-runtimes [path]      Enhances QEMU integration by providing glibc built
                               for multiple foreign architectures, allowing
                               execution of non-native programs that link with glibc.
  -frosetta,  -fno-rosetta     Rely on Rosetta to execute x86_64 programs on
                               ARM64 macOS hosts. (default: no)
  -fwasmtime, -fno-wasmtime    Integration with system-installed wasmtime to
                               execute WASI binaries. (default: no)
  -fwine,     -fno-wine        Integration with system-installed Wine to execute
                               Windows programs on Linux hosts. (default: no)

However, there is even tighter integration with the system, if the system is configured for it. First, zig will try executing a given binary, without guessing whether the system will be able to run it. This takes advantage of binfmt_misc, for example.

Use skip_foreign_checks if you want to prevent a cross-target failure from failing the build.

This even integrates with the Compiler Protocol, allowing foreign executables to communicate metadata back to the build runner.

Configuration File Generation §

The build system has API to help you create C configuration header files from common formats, such as automake and CMake.

Run Step Enhancements §

It is recommended to generally use Run steps instead of custom steps because it will properly integrate with the Cache System.

Added prefixed versions of addFileSource and addDirectorySource to Step.Run

Changed Step.Run's stdin to accept LazyPath (#16358).

addTest No Longer Runs It §

Before, addTest created and ran a test. Now you need to use b.addRunArtifact to run your test executable.

Compiler §

Zero the Ziguana

Performance §

During this release cycle we worked towards Incremental Compilation and linking, but it is not ready to be enabled yet. We also worked towards Code Generation backends that compete with the LLVM Backend instead of depending on it, but those are also not ready to be enabled by default yet.

Those two efforts will yield drastic results. However, even without those done, this release of the compiler is generally expected to be a little bit faster and use a little bit less memory than 0.10.x releases.

Here are some performance data points, 0.10.1 vs this release:

Note that the compiler is doing more work in 0.11.0 for most builds (including "Hello, World!") due to the Standard Library having more advanced Debugging capabilities, such as Stack Unwinding. The long-term plan to address this is Incremental Compilation.

Bootstrapping §

During this release cycle, the C++ implementation of Zig was deleted. The -fstage1 flag is no longer a recognized command-line parameter.

Zig is now bootstrapped using a 2.4 MiB WebAssembly file and a C compiler. Please enjoy this blog post which goes into the details: Goodbye to the C++ Implementation of Zig

Thanks to improvements to the C Backend, it is now possible to bootstrap on Windows using MSVC.

Also fixed: bootstrapping the compiler on ARM and on mingw.

The logic for detecting MSVC installations on Windows has been ported from C++ to Zig (#15657). That was the last C++ source file; the compiler is now 100% Zig code, except for LLVM libraries.

Reproducible Builds §

According to Zig's build modes documentation:


In theory, stage3 and stage4 should be byte-for-byte identical when compiled in release mode. In practice, this was not true. However, this has been fixed in this release. They now produce byte-for-byte identical executable files.

This property is verified by CI checks for these targets:

C ABI Compatibility §

To get a sense of Zig's C ABI compatibility, have a look at the target coverage and test cases.

C Translation §

Cache System §

Code Generation §

The Zig compiler has several code backends. The primary one in usage today is the LLVM backend, which emits LLVM IR in order to emit highly optimized binaries. However, this release cycle also saw major improvements to many of our "self-hosted" backends, most notably the x86 Backend which is now passing the vast majority of behavior tests. Improvements to these backends is key to reaching the goal of Incremental Compilation.

LLVM Backend §

C Backend §

Now passing 1652/1679 (98%) of the behavior tests, compared to the LLVM Backend.

The generated C code is now MSVC-compatible.

This backend is now used for Bootstrapping and is no longer considered experimental.

It has seen some optimizations to reduce the size of the outputted C code, such as reusing locals where possible. However, there are still many more optimizations that could be done to further reduce the size of the outputted C code.

x86 Backend §

Although the x86 backend is still considered experimental, it is now passing 1474/1679 (88%) of the behavior tests, compared to the LLVM Backend.

WebAssembly Backend §

This release did not see many user-facing features added to the WebAssembly backend. A few notable features are:

Besides those language features, the WebAssembly backend now also uses the regular start.zig logic as well as the standard test-runner. This is a big step as the default test-runner logic uses a client-server architecture, requiring a lot of the language to be implemented for it to work. This will also help us further with completing the WebAssembly backend as the test-runner provides us with more details about which test failed.

Lastly, a lot of bugs and miscompilations were fixed, passing more behavior tests. Although the WebAssembly backend is still considered experimental, it is now passing 1428/1657 (86%) of the behavior tests, compared to the LLVM Backend.

SPIR-V Backend §

Robin "Snektron" Voetter writes:

This release cycle saw significant improvement of the self-hosted SPIR-V backend. SPIR-V is a bytecode representation for shaders and kernels that run on GPUs. For now, the SPIR-V backend of Zig is focused on generating code for OpenCL kernels, though Vulkan compatible shaders may see support in the future too.

The main contributions in this release cycle feature a crude assembler for SPIR-V inline assembly, which is useful for supporting fringe types and operations, and other features from SPIR-V that do not expose itself well from within Zig.

The backend also saw improvements to codegen, and is now able to compile and execute about 37% of the compiler behavior test suite on select OpenCL implementations. Unfortunately this does not yet include Rusticl, which is currently missing a few features that the Zig SPIR-V backend requires.

Currently, executing SPIR-V tests requires third-party implementations of the test runner and test executor. In the future, these will be integrated further with Zig.

aarch64 Backend §

During this release cycle, some progress was made on this experimental backend, but there is nothing user-facing to report. It has not yet graduated beyond the simplified start code routines, so we have no behavior test percentage to report.

Error Return Tracing §

This release cycle sees minor improvements to error return traces. These traces are created by Zig for binaries built in safe release modes, and report the source of an error which was not correctly handled where a simple stack trace would be less useful.

A bug involving incorrect frames from loop bodies appearing in traces has been fixed. The following test case now gives a correct error return trace:

fn foo() !void {
    return error.UhOh; // this should not appear in the trace

pub fn main() !void {
    var i: usize = 0;
    while (i < 3) : (i += 1) {
        foo() catch continue;
    return error.UnrelatedError;
$ zig build-exe loop_continue_error_trace.zig
$ ./loop_continue_error_trace
error: UnrelatedError
/home/andy/tmp/docgen_tmp/loop_continue_error_trace.zig:10:5: 0x21e375 in main (loop_continue_error_trace)
    return error.UnrelatedError;

Safety Checks §

Struct Field Order §

Automatically optimize order of struct fields (#14336)

Incremental Compilation §

While still a highly WIP feature, this release cycle saw many improvements paving the way to incremental compilation capabilities in the compiler. One of the most significant was the InternPool changeset. This change is mostly invisible to Zig users, but brings many benefits to the compiler, amongst them being that we are now much closer to incremental compilation. This is because this changeset brings new in-memory representations to many internal compiler datastructures (most notably types and values) which are trivially serializable to disk, a requirement for incremental compilation.

This release additionally saw big improvements to Zig's native code generation and linkers, as well as beginning to move to emitting LLVM bitcode manually. The former will unlock extremely fast incremental compilations, and the latter is necessary for incremental compilation to work on the LLVM backend.

Incremental compilation will be a key focus of the 0.12.0 release cycle. The path to incremental compilation will roughly consist of the following steps:

While no guarantees can be made, it is possible that a basic form of incremental compilation will be usable in 0.12.0.

New Module CLI §

The method for specifying modules on the CLI has been changed to support recursive module dependencies and shared dependencies. Previously, the --pkg-begin and --pkg-end options were used to define modules in a "hierarchical" manner, nesting dependencies inside their parent. This system was not compatible with shared dependencies or recursive dependencies.

Modules are now specified using the --mod and --deps options, which have the following syntax:

--mod [name]:[deps]:[src] Make a module available for dependency under the given name
      deps: [dep],[dep],...
      dep:  [[import=]name]
  --deps [dep],[dep],...    Set dependency names for the root package
      dep:  [[import=]name]

--mod defines a module with a given name, dependency list, and root source file. --deps specifies the list of dependencies of the main module. These options are not order-dependant. This defines modules in a "flat" manner, and specifies dependencies indirectly, allowing dependency loops and shared dependencies. The name of a dependency can optionally be overridden from the "default" name in the dependency string.

For instance, the following zig build-exe invocation defines two modules, foo and bar. foo depends on bar under the name bar1, bar depends on itself (under the default name bar), and the main module depends on both foo and bar.

$ zig build-exe main.zig --mod foo:bar1=bar:foo.zig --mod bar:bar:bar.zig --deps foo,bar

The Build System supports creating module dependency loops by manually modifying the dependencies of a std.Build.Module. Note that this API (and the CLI invocation) is likely to undergo further changes in the future.

Linker §

Depending on the target, Zig will use LLD, or its own linker implementation. In order to override the default, pass -fLLD or -fno-LLD.

MachO §

Ziggy the Ziguana



WASM Modules §

Luuk de Gram writes:

During this release, a lot of work has gone into the in-house WebAssembly linker. The biggest feature it gained was the support of the shared memory feature. This allows multiple WebAssembly modules to access the same memory. This feature opens support for multi-threading in WebAssembly. This also required us to implement support for Thread-Local Storage. The linker is now fully capable of linking with WASI-libc, also. Users can now make use of the in-house linker by supplying the -fno-LLD flag to your zig build-{lib/exe} CLI invocation.

We are closer than ever to replace LLVM's linker wasm-ld with our in-house linker. The last feature to implement for statically built WebAssembly modules is garbage collection. This ensures unreferenced symbols get removed from the final binary keeping the binaries small in disk size. Once implemented, we can make the in-house linker the default linker when building a WebAssembly module and gather feedback and fix any bugs that haven't been found yet. We can then start working on other features such as dynamic-linking support and any future proposals.



Move Library Path Resolution to the Frontend §

Library path resolution is now handled by the Zig frontend rather than the linker (LLD). Some compiler flags are introduced to control this behavior.

-search_paths_first            For each library search path, check for dynamic
                               lib then static lib before proceeding to next path.
-search_paths_first_static     For each library search path, check for static
                               lib then dynamic lib before proceeding to next path.
-search_dylibs_first           Search for dynamic libs in all library search
                               paths, then static libs.
-search_static_first           Search for static libs in all library search
                               paths, then dynamic libs.
-search_dylibs_only            Only search for dynamic libs.
-search_static_only            Only search for static libs.

These arguments are stateful: they affect all subsequent libraries linked by name, such as by the flags -l, -weak-l, and -needed-l.

Error reporting for failure to find a system library is improved:

$ zig build-exe test.zig -lfoo -L. -L/a -target x86_64-macos --sysroot /home/andy/local
error: unable to find Dynamic system library 'foo' using strategy 'paths_first'. searched paths:

Previously, the Build System exposed -search_paths_first and -search_dylibs_first from the zig build command, which had the ability to affect all libraries. Now, the build script instead explicitly chooses the search strategy and preferred link mode for each library independently.

Bug Fixes §

Full list of the 711 bug reports closed during this release cycle.

Many bugs were both introduced and resolved within this release cycle. Most bug fixes are omitted from these release notes for the sake of brevity.

This Release Contains Bugs §

Zero the Ziguana

Zig has known bugs and even some miscompilations.

Zig is immature. Even with Zig 0.11.0, working on a non-trivial project using Zig will likely require participating in the development process.

When Zig reaches 1.0.0, Tier 1 Support will gain a bug policy as an additional requirement.

A 0.11.1 release is planned. Please test your projects against 0.11.0 and report any problems on the issue tracker so that we can deliver a stable 0.11.1 release.

Bug Stability Program §

To be announced next week...

Toolchain §

LLVM 16 §

This release of Zig upgrades to LLVM 16.0.6.

During this release cycle, it has become a goal of the Zig project to eventually eliminate all dependencies on LLVM, LLD, and Clang libraries. There will still be an LLVM Backend, however it will directly output bitcode files rather than using LLVM C++ APIs.

musl 1.2.4 §

Zig ships with the source code to musl. When the musl C ABI is selected, Zig builds static musl from source for the selected target. Zig also supports targeting dynamically linked musl which is useful for Linux distributions that use it as their system libc, such as Alpine Linux.

This release upgrades from v1.2.3 to v1.2.4.

glibc 2.34 §

Unfortunately, glibc is still stuck on 2.34. Users will need to wait until 0.12.0 for a glibc upgrade.

The only change:

mingw-w64 10.0.0 §

Unfortunately, mingw-w64 is still stuck on 10.0.0. Users will need to wait until 0.12.0 for a mingw-w64 upgrade.

The only change:

WASI-libc §

Zig's wasi-libc is updated to 3189cd1ceec8771e8f27faab58ad05d4d6c369ef (#15817)

compiler-rt §

Zero the Ziguana

compiler-rt is the library that provides, for example, 64-bit integer multiplication for 32-bit architectures which do not have a machine code instruction for it. The GNU toolchain calls this library libgcc.

Unlike most compilers, which depend on a binary build of compiler-rt being installed alongside the compiler, Zig builds compiler-rt from source, lazily, for the target platform. It avoids repeating this work unnecessarily via the Cache System.

This release saw some improvements to Zig's compiler-rt implementation:

Bundling Into Object Files §

When the following is specified

$ zig build-obj -fcompiler-rt example.zig

the resulting relocatable object file will have the compiler-rt unconditionally embedded inside:

$ nm example.o
0000000012345678 W __truncsfhf2

zig cc §

zig cc is Zig's drop-in C compiler tool. Enhancements in this release:

This feature is covered by our Bug Stability Program.

Fail Hard on Unsupported Linker Flags §

Before, zig cc, when confronted with a linker argument it did not understand, would skip the flag and emit a warning.

This caused headaches for people that build third-party software. Zig would seemingly build and link the final executable, only to have it segfault when executed.

If there are linker warnings when compiling software, the first thing we have to do is add support for ones linker is complaining, and only then go file issues. If Zig "successfully" (i.e. status code = 0) compiles a binary, there is instead a tendency to blame "Zig doing something weird". Adding the unsupported arguments is straightforward; see #11679, #11875, #11874 for examples.

With Zig 0.11.0, unrecognized linker arguments are hard errors.

zig c++ §

zig c++ is equivalent to zig cc with an added -lc++ parameter, but I made a separate heading here because I realized that some people are not aware that Zig supports compiling C++ code and providing libc++ too!

#include <iostream>
int main() {
    std::cout << "Hello World!" << std::endl;
    return 0;
$ zig c++ -o hello hello.cpp
$ ./hello
Hello World!

Cross-compiling too, of course:

$ zig c++ -o hello hello.cpp -target riscv64-linux
$ qemu-riscv64 ./hello
Hello World!

One thing that trips people up when they use this feature is that the C++ ABI is not stable across compilers, so always remember the rule: You must use the same C++ compiler to compile all your objects and static libraries. This is an unfortunate limitation of C++ which Zig can never fix.

zig fmt §

Canonicalization of Identifiers §

This adds new behavior to zig fmt which normalizes (renders a canonical form of) quoted identifiers like @"hi_mom" to some extent. This can make codebases more consistent and searchable.

To prevent making the details of Unicode and UTF-8 dependencies of the Zig language, only bytes in the ASCII range are interpreted and normalized. Besides avoiding complexity, this means invalid UTF-8 strings cannot break zig fmt.

Both the tokenizer and the new formatting logic may overlook certain errors in quoted identifiers, such as nonsense escape sequences like \m. For now, those are ignored and we defer to existing later analysis to catch.

This change is not expected to break any existing code.


Below, "verbatim" means "as it was in the original source"; in other words, not altered.


zig objcopy §

This is a new subcommand added in this release. Functionality is limited, but we can add features as needed. This subcommand has no dependency on LLVM.

Roadmap §

Ziggy the Ziguana

The major themes of the 0.12.0 release cycle will be language changes, compilation speed, and package management.

Some upcoming milestones we will be working towards in the 0.12.0 release cycle:

Here are the steps for Zig to reach 1.0:

  1. Stabilize the language. No more Language Changes after this.
  2. Complete the language specification first draft.
  3. Stabilize the Build System (this includes Package Management).
  4. Stabilize the Standard Library. That means to add any missing functionality, audit the existing functionality, curate it, re-organize everything, and fix all the bugs.
  5. Go one full release cycle without any breaking changes.
  6. Finally we can tag 1.0.

Accepted Proposals §

If you want more of a sense of the direction Zig is heading, you can look at the set of accepted proposals.

Thank You Contributors! §

Ziggy the Ziguana

Here are all the people who landed at least one contribution into this release:

Thank You Sponsors! §

Ziggy the Ziguana

Special thanks to those who sponsor Zig. Because of recurring donations, Zig is driven by the open source community, rather than the goal of making profit. In particular, these fine folks sponsor Zig for $50/month or more: